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Warcraft 3 Patch 1.19 warcraft 
20.09.2005 17:39 - HasuHasi 
Viele haben darüber spekuliert, wann der langersehnte Patch 1.19 kommen würde und nun ist es soweit. Nicht jedoch weil etwas an den Game nicht stimmen würden - nur wegen der Balancing Changes, die Blizzard nach drei Jahren immernoch zu machen pflegt, um das Spiel zu perfektionieren.

Ob die Destros endlich generft wurden, Orcs eine Freewin-Map weniger haben und ob die Dryaden teurer wurden könnt ihr unter mehr herausfinden.
Patchlog 1.19


- (2)Echo Isles
- Added ranged creep to expansion goldmines.
- Replaced both Fountains of Health with Mercenary camps and changed
the creep composition so that they're not all piercing attack.
- Replaced the mana fountain with a Market Place and changed the level
3 perm item drops to level 3 charged items.
- Replaced one Troll Trapper with an equal level Ogre to the all troll
trapper green camp next to each start location.

- (2)Tirisfal Glade
- Added a tavern to each side of the map, reduced the level of the creep
that guard the Mercenary buildings as well as the level of the items
they drop, and reduced two Orange creep camps and level of the item

- (4)Turtle Rock
- Opened areas of the map to help alleviate strong choke points that
favor ranged unit combat.

- (4)Broken Shard
- Replaced the 4 center orange camps with 4 green camps.
- Replaced two ranged units with two melee units to the creep camps
guarding the Goblin Merchants.
- Increased the Orange camp levels near each start location and added
an additional item to each of those camps.

- (4)Hellfire
- Reduced the creep level on the two middle Red creep camps.
- Reduced the creep level on the East and West Goblin Laboratory creep

- (4)Stonecold Mountain
- All creep with the ability to possess units have been removed from
this map.

- (4)Lost Temple
- Added a few trees to all the start locations to ensure better
balance of lumber harvesting for all races.

- (4)Twisted Meadows
- Changed the level 4 charged item drops at the Goblin Merchant to
level 4 permanent drops.

- (6)Sunrock Cove
- Added pathing room around Goblin Laboratory and removed the clump of
trees in front of the Goblin Laboratory to enhance game play.
- Lowered the goldmine creep camp from Red to Green
- Pushed Blue's West ramp further from its start location.

- (6)GnollWood
- Removed all Gnoll Assassins from the Goblin Merchant creep camps,
replaced with Gnoll Brutes.

- (6)Typhoon
- Fixed Red and Teal start locations to be closer to the goldmines
like the other start locations.

- (6)Silverpine Forest
- Removed the Tavern from all start locations
- Can now path across the center of the map, added a Tavern to the
center of the map.
- Reduced the Item and creep levels of the 4 Red camps in the center
of the map.
- The 6 center goldmines have been reduced in difficulty of creep

- (6)Dragonblight
- The two center creep camps have been pushed away from pathable area
to prevent accidental attacks.
- The players alliance settings have been changed to favor 2v2.

- (6)Moonglade New Map File
- Two center creep camps and buildings have been removed.
- Added two taverns to the center of the map.
- Opened up all chokepoints
- Added some trees to all start locations to help harvesting.

- (6)Everfrost
- Added a few trees to Yellow and Teal start locations to ensure
lumber harvesting balance.
- Added ground Anti-Air units to the East and West Red creep camps.

- Bonus Maps Added to
- (2)Shrine of the Ancients
- (2)Terenas Stand
- (4)Phantom Grove
- (4)Deathrose
- (6)Everfrost
- (6)Sunrock Cove
- (6)Emerald Shores
- (6)Duststorm
- (8)Full Scale Assault
- (8)Hurricane Isle
- (8)Cherryville
- (10)Skibis Castle TD
- (12)Worm War


- Creep-dropped item sell prices have been standardized. Items of the
same level will now generally sell for the same amount.

- Skeletal Mastery research time reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity research time reduced to 15 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses research now costs 75 gold / 50 lumber down from 125
gold/ 100 lumber.
- Destroyer armor reduced to 3 from 4.

- Spiritwalkers now have the passive Resistant Skin ability. This
causes some spells such as Cyclone and Slow to have a much shorter
duration when used on a Spiritwalker. Resistant skin also grants
immunity to certain other spells such as Polymorph and Possession.
- Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
- Batrider hit points reduced to 325 from 400.

Night Elf
- Tree of Life build time increased to 120 seconds from 110 seconds.

- Human Towers (Guard, Cannon, Arcane and Scout) now gain 1 armor per
masonry upgrade, down from 2.

0 pts #1: silent`Goldi  @ 20.09.2005 17:44
finds no ql vo blizzard, dass si ou no a ehrne alte games witer mache ;)

0 pts #2: 370  @ 20.09.2005 17:58
- Human Towers (Guard, Cannon, Arcane and Scout) now gain 1 armor per masonry upgrade, down from 2. <- endli, dräcks hu mass tower n00bs ;(

0 pts #3: schnaiky_ @ 20.09.2005 18:00
so alt isch das au nid goldi ;(

0 pts #4: |tSk|madbush  @ 20.09.2005 18:01
ähm, bi TR macht mer sälte bis niä upgrades uf dä towers ;)
und wänn mer towermassing macht chunsch gegä guäti spiller sowieso ned ah ;(

0 pts #5: 370  @ 20.09.2005 18:09
ich han ja au ned vo tr gred oO und hallo velo als ob ich mal geg guäti spieler spiele.. ich spiel nur geg yves und ash !

0 pts #6: WuLvEraTe  @ 20.09.2005 18:14
ei find ich hart vs UD/ HU - besonders HU... Towerrush

mein erster lose nach 23-0 bekam ich vs nen HU auf EI, der hatte 130-90... , jede andere map ein wilkommenes guddiguddi +_+

0 pts #7: atomigo @ 20.09.2005 18:15
woah ihr sind all SOOOOOOOO KRASS! aight!

0 pts #8: mood @ 20.09.2005 18:25
muss jetzt wc3 neuinstalliere wills en error gäh hed D;

0 pts #9: enjoy`  @ 20.09.2005 21:25
i ha ke ahnig vo wc3 :D

0 pts #10: [deleted] @ 20.09.2005 22:21
dessis pwne jetzt doch (no meh) hu towers?

aber eco isles isch so kewl vorher gsi.. ;/

0 pts #11: native @ 21.09.2005 10:18
naja dessis pwne hu tower au, wenn sie 4 armor/upgrade bechömme :)
das ligt eifach am rüschtigstyp... me sött irgendwie so magiebarriere erforsche chönne wo magie dmg chli abdämpft...

haha de gröscht witz findi eh ne, 120 sec statt 110 sec. das isch grad mal 1 wisp :/

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