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Revoltec CS 1.6: 5on5

Name:Revoltec CS 1.6: 5on5 

Revoltec � Reboot Your Mind!
Saison:Frühjahr 09
Teilnehmer:14 Aktiv, 855 Total
Matches:146, Aktivit�t 1.55
851-875/939< [ 1 ... 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ] >
Pro Seite:
Datum BenutzerEvent
29.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for mysoL
29.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for coldgame
27.03.2006 21:29Endinew penalty point: 2 for etaria-sports
27.03.2006 19:24Marco Srenamed to: bornSkilled
27.03.2006 18:46Goldideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 21433
27.03.2006 18:46Goldideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 7590
27.03.2006 18:46Goldideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 21433
27.03.2006 18:46Goldideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 7590
26.03.2006 12:21Goldinew penalty point: 2 for role model
26.03.2006 12:15Goldinew penalty point: 1 for endless inspiration
25.03.2006 00:03Systemnew penalty point: 1 for RANDOM Gaming
25.03.2006 00:03Systemnew penalty point: 1 for etaria-sports
25.03.2006 00:03Systemnew penalty point: 1 for PENDULUM - Hold your color
25.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for b2L - Back To Life
25.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for RANDOM Gaming
25.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for etaria-sports
25.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for PENDULUM - Hold your color
25.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for b2L - Back To Life
24.03.2006 00:45Endideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 20333
24.03.2006 00:45Endideleted penalty point: 1 for clan 17519
23.03.2006 00:01Systemnew penalty point: 1 for ShaKa Team
23.03.2006 00:01Systemnew penalty point: 1 for #hydrate.ch
22.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for PENDULUM - Hold your color
22.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for coldgame
22.03.2006 00:02Systemnew penalty point: 1 for PENDULUM - Hold your color
851-875/939< [ 1 ... 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ] >
Pro Seite:
1. Platz
CHF 2'000.-
2. Platz
CHF 1'000.-
3. Platz
CHF 500.-
4. Platz
CHF 250.-
Frühjahr 09
Gewinner: Unbekannt
gamersNET 2008
Gewinner: Unbekannt
Major League #2
Gewinner: Unbekannt
Major League #1
Gewinner: Unbekannt
Season #12
Gewinner: yankeeforce
Season #11
Season #10
Gewinner: RANDOM Gaming
Season #9
Gewinner: RANDOM Gaming
Season #8
Season #7
Gewinner: sk1ll
Season #5
Season #4
Gewinner: redWhite
Season #3
Gewinner: redWhite
Season #2
Gewinner: redWhite
Season #1

Render duration: 0.02 s / MySQL: 11 Querys

Hosting: hostplanet.ch

Designchuchi gamersNET