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Profil: corteX *ReVOO
Nickname: corteX *ReVOO
Name: Alexandru Rebegia
Hauptteam corteX aLLstars
Geburtstag: 16.03.1989
Wohnort: Romania
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
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Datum OrtThema
26.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
26.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
26.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
26.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
26.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
25.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
24.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
23.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
23.03.2006Match Partisans and Friends CS vs Team SiesTa
22.03.2006GB XquZ.puRe! | $ultan
11-20/60< [ 1 2 3 4 ... 7 ] >
Pro Seite:

Reg. seit23.01.2006
Letzter Login24.08.06
Anz. Buddies4
Buddy bei2


Game IDs
Steam ID 1.60:0:1...

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Letzte Kommentare
hahah das is der huren...
ok,.. i lueg hltv zue!...
ROFL!!!!! i ha wele zu...
she3p wenn du de vo cy...
halt mol dschnurre und...

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