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Trackmania Nations Forever ist da! gnet rest 
22.04.2008 11:05 - MickeY
Gestern war es soweit, die ESWC hat die neuste Version von Trackmania mit dem Namen Trackmania Nations Forever ver�ffentlicht.

Das besondere an dieser neuen Version sind nicht die 65 neuen Strecken, der Einzelspielermodus oder die neue "Forever" Version der Stadion Umgebung, nein denn es ist nun tats�chlich m�glich, dass die Spieler des Gratisspiels in Zukunft auf Dedicated Servern mit den Spielern der Retailversion Trackmania United zusammenspielen k�nnen. Dies wird die bis anhin schon riesige Community noch enger zusammenschweissen.

Trackmania Nations wurde rund 30 Millionen mal runtergeladen und es gibt an die 4 Millionen Online Accounts.

Das Statement von Florent Castelnerac, Direktor der Nadeo Studios, sowie einer Liste mit Download Mirrors findet ihr unter mehr.

The PC is the premier gaming platform when it comes to the number of casual and expert players. To satisfy this wide range of players, we designed the game for everyone instead of trying to focus on the average gamer. We have put a lot of effort in developing the competitive spirit and challenge between players in order to present a game adapted to big e-sports competitions while remaining captivating and accessible to players who have less gaming experience. Even if you play Nations Forever quietly alone, you can still be ranked in the world, your country, your city or even in your list of friends that you can create by inviting friends to join like in Facebook or MySpace. It is up to each player to set his/her goals - become one of the best players in the world or just impress friends. These ladders are adapted to everyone and they add ten times more interest to solo or multiplayer modes. Always searching for new ways to add interest and unite an even larger number of players, we explored the possibilities the PC offers as a universal communication platform: for example, a system that allows you to challenge your friends by mail or Messenger. Since the game is free, fun and works on most computers, there is a big chance that many people that you know will play it. Finally, as for creativity, the PC is the only game platform that allows players to easily create additional game content, and the game comes with powerful creative tools like the track editor. We increased creative possibilities even more with richer, more complete editors while making creation more accessible to a larger number of players with a simplified track editor. Tomorrow, we will see exceptional creations from the four corners of the world that players will be able to exchange for free and easily. It's a tremendous motivation for the entire development team.

Mirrors: Mirrors

0 pts #1: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 22.04.2008 13:37
w��� roody, wenn gits trackmania-session?

0 pts #2: odb  @ 22.04.2008 20:50
m��rcuuuuuuu :) ich joine au :X

0 pts #3: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 22.04.2008 23:26
jeah \o/

0 pts #4: GFrequiem  @ 23.04.2008 07:51
I^m in!

0 pts #5: AemJaY  @ 24.04.2008 23:38
game rocks!

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