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Profil: nibbler87
�bersichtAktivit�tUsersAwards (1)LigaGalleryBlogLogG�stebuch
Nickname: nibbler87
Name: Pascal
Hauptteam -
Geburtstag: 04.03.1987
Wohnort: Riedt, TG
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
51-75/79< [ 1 ... 2 3 4 ] >
Pro Seite:
Datum Event
03.02.2007 21:23That's Reallife Main: renamed to: That\'s Reallife Main
03.02.2007 21:21That's Reallife Main: renamed to: That\'s Reallife Main
03.02.2007 21:10got league player status: That's Reallife Main
03.02.2007 21:10new permission in That's Reallife Main: all
03.02.2007 21:08accepted invitation from clan: That's Reallife Main
03.02.2007 21:08accepted invitation from clan: That's Reallife CSS
03.02.2007 21:04new invitation from clan: That's Reallife Main
03.02.2007 20:59new invitation from clan: That's Reallife CSS
09.12.2006 10:49clanlezz noobz: deactivated by: edsplash`
06.11.2006 20:34SwiftArrows.css: renamed to: clanlezz noobz
02.11.2006 22:38received penalty point: 2
02.11.2006 22:37deleted penalty point: 2
02.11.2006 22:36received penalty point: 2
30.10.2006 00:19got league player status: SwiftArrows.css
29.10.2006 23:03accepted invitation from clan: SwiftArrows.css
29.10.2006 22:40new invitation from clan: SwiftArrows.css
04.10.2006 21:17got kicked: SwiftArrows.css
12.08.2006 15:52got league player status: SwiftArrows.css
12.08.2006 15:49accepted invitation from clan: SwiftArrows.css
12.08.2006 15:36new invitation from clan: SwiftArrows.css
23.07.2006 00:31removed invitation to clan: Thirdwar 3W CSS
23.07.2006 00:31new invitation to clan: Thirdwar 3W CSS
15.04.2006 19:52left: Thirdwar 3W CSS
19.03.2006 19:24got league player status: Thirdwar 3W CSS
19.03.2006 19:24invitation to clan got accepted: Thirdwar 3W CSS
51-75/79< [ 1 ... 2 3 4 ] >
Pro Seite:

Reg. seit19.03.2006
Letzter Login24.05.09
Anz. Buddies0
Buddy bei1

BrokeN ArroW

Game IDs
Steam ID CS:S0:1:7...

Letzte Besucher

Letzte Kommentare
lol ^^ los etha los
@Bl4cKBirD jo scho meh...
@Falc()n selber d schu...
Spielsperri weg soem s...
@AroW*ganJa Stuebete(T...

Letzte Blogs

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