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Von Mappacks, Eurocups und Mods... quake rest 
21.12.2005 13:20 - MickeY
id software und Raven haben ihr erstes offizielles Mappack herausgebracht. Darin enthalten sind die Maps Railed, Tremors sowie die in Quake 3 sehr beliebte Map Campgrounds Redux in einer Neuauflage. Ob sich die Maps allerdings in den Turnieren durchsetzen werden muss man abwarten, da nicht alle gut auf die Remakes zu sprechen sind. Das Mappack k�nnt ihr euch hier downloaden.

Die Clanbase hat bekannt gegeben, dass sie neu in ihrem 1on1 Eurocup anstatt Xbattle den CPL Mod Q4Max spielen lassen. Dies kommt daher, dass einige World-Series Teilnehmer Druck auf die Clanbase gemacht haben, da diese nicht 2 verschiedene Mods spielen und trainen wollen. Die Umstellung wird allerdings erst nach der Gruppenphase eintreffen, da die Clanbase keine Verz�gerung auf Grund der Mod�nderung provozieren will.

P�nktlich zum 4. Advent haben die deutschen Macher des beliebten Teamplay Mods X-Battle die Version 0.10 herausgebracht. Den Changelog dazu findet ihr unter mehr. Unter anderem kann man nun aber seine Gegner sowie seine Teammates so einf�rben wie man gerne m�chte. Dies bringt unter anderem im TDM Vorteile, kann man beispielsweise nun Ingame schnell erkennen welchen Mate man gerade kreuzt.

Changelog X-Battle 0.10:
~ X-Battle a modification for Quake 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~

Date: December, 2005
Mail: [email protected]

Feel free to visit us at #battlemod in QuakeNet

~ Latest Features ~ v0.10 ~~~~~~~~~

fix: pm_stairJumps <0|1> allows strafejumping on stairs
on e.g. The Edge where long stairs are used it's not possible to SJ on
on them. In multiplayer you can do "clientcallvote stairjumps 1" to enable
it. All it does is enabling you to step on stairs, when you're in air.

chg: bobbing cvars can be changed in multiplayer
pm_crouchbob, pm_walkbob, pm_runbob, pm_runpitch,
pm_runroll, pm_bobup, pm_bobpitch and pm_bobroll
can be changed by players.

chg: clientcallvote info in console
clientcallvote [enter] shows detailed info about whats voteable and
the possible values

chg: map weapons are now available during warmup.

chg: crosshair size is adjustable stepless from 1-100

chg: g_fov is allowed from 20-150

chg: crosshair info distance raised

chg: si_teamdamage <0|1|2>
0 - no teamdamage
1 - only armor damage (default)
2 - full damage

chg: hud_barStyle, hud_ammoBar, hud_ammoVisible, hud_weaponVisible and
hud_weaponSwitch are now "true" cvars.

add: you can see readystatus in scoreboard

add: si_freeModels <0|1> allow using of all models
0 - Off ( default )
1 - On

add: si_scoreBotSupport <0|1>
0 - Off
1 - server queries returns player scores, team scores and timeleft.

add: si_scoreBotRefreshRate <1-60> scorebot-info refresh interval
Sets the interval in seconds that the server will refresh game
information used for scorebots.

add: teamlock & teamunlock commands

add: teamdamage is votable by gui ( multiplayer vote menu )

add: pm_smoothBoxJumps <0-16> allow smoother jumping on boxes
0 - Off
1 - smooth box jumps a little (default)
2-16 - more smoothing

If the stairjump fix is enabled, in Q4 you have the possibility to do
boxjumps, because the stairjump fix enables you to step on stairs,
while you are in air. If you have a box that is max 16 (max stepsize)
units higher than your jumpheight, you can step on it as on stairs and
jump to the next box. that's called a boxjump. but in some places,
like in "the edge" on the upper yellow armor, it is hard to do a
boxjump, because the box is too big, then you need to jump very exact
on the box, to do the boxjump. All smoothboxjump does is increasing
the max stepsize, when jumping in the air (doesn't work on ground).
This makes boxjumping possible from more positions much easier. Anyway,
someone may think, that it adds speed to get up there, but it doesn't.

add: ui_weaponBobbing <0|1> toggles bobbing of weapon
0 - disables the weapon bobbing and lag when turning or jumping
1 - show weapon bobbing ( default )

add: ui_rocketTrail <0|1> show/hide rockets smoke
0 - hide rockets smoke trail
1 - show rockets smoke trail ( default )

add: ui_grenadeTrail <0|1> show/hide grenades smoke
0 - hide grenade smoke trail
1 - show grenade smoke trail ( default )

add: ui_nailTrail <0|1> show/hide nailtrail
0 - hide nail smoke trail
1 - show nail smoke trail ( default )

add: ui_tinyRailTrail <0|1> dis-/enable the tiny railtrail
0 - disable tiny railtrail
1 - enable tiny railtrail ( default )

add: ui_enemyColorArms enemy models arms color
add: ui_enemyColorLegs enemy models legs color
add: ui_enemyColorTorso enemy models torso color
hex value that is used to ink the enemy-brightskin.

add: ui_teamColorArms arms color
add: ui_teamColorLegs legs color
add: ui_teamColorTorso torso color
this hex-value is used to ink your team-mates arms, legs or torso.
it's also used as _your_ color when a mate don't forces every part
using his color with ui_teamForceColors.

add: ui_teamColorIntensity <0 - 1.0> specifies brightskins brightness
add: ui_enemyColorIntensity <0 - 1.0> specifies brightskins brightness
it's a float value between 0 and 1 that u can use to darken your
brightskins a bit. default is 1.0 = maximum brightness.

add: ui_teamForceColors <0-7> set which parts are forced to your teamcolors
using this cvar you have the opportunity to see parts of your mates
brightskin with their color setting.
it's a bitmask with bit 1 to force legs, bit 2 to force arms and bit 3
for torso coloring. so legs, arms and torso get a value of 1, 2, 4.
if you want that the brightskins of your mates have your
ui_teamColorLegs and *Arms settings but _their_ *Torso value, you
would set up ui_teamForceColors to 3. ( legs = 1 + arms = 2 )
for your *Torso and your *Arms to 6 ( arms = 2 + torso = 4 ).

add: hud_showTeamHealth <0|1> display health/armor of teammates
0 - Off
1 - show health/armor info of teammates next to crosshair
in teamgames.

add: hud_drawTimer <0|1|2> toggles timer appearence
0 - Off
1 - timer shows time remained
2 - timer shows time passed
note: In one of the next versions chattokens will be
added to xbm, one of them will translate your remained time
to passed time or vice versa for team who have different
settings in their team. until then you should take care
that everyone in you team has the same hud_drawTimer

add: hud_drawTeamOverlay <0|1> toggle teamoverlay
0 - Off
1 - shows teamoverlay in TDM / CTF

add: hud_showJumps <0|1> display jump distance
0 - Off
1 - On

add: hud_showSpeed <0|1> display player speed
0 - Off
1 - On

add: green armor support. +25 Armor. editorname: 'item_armor_jacket_mp'

add: g_blood <0|1> toggle the blood effects
0 - Off
1 - On

add: g_gibs <0|1> toggle the playergib effects
0 - Off
1 - On

add: g_fastWeaponSwitch <0|1> toggle shotgun and hyperblasters weaponswitch
0 - Off, wait until weapon is reloaded
1 - On, vanilla quake4 ( default )

add: g_spawnType <0-3> set different player spawn behavior
We suggest using a value of 2 or 3:
0 - random furthest from killer ( vanilla Q4, default )
1 - random furthest from dead player
2 - completly random
3 - completly random without 3 nearest from killer

add: g_maxRespawnTime <2-60> changes the maximum spawn time for players

add: g_altMinRespawnLimit <0|1> Toggles the use of alternative minimum spawn times for players
0 - Off, Vanilla Quake 4 (3 seconds)
1 - On, Vanilla Quake 3 (1.7 seconds)

add: hud_lagometerPosition Allows to freely positioning of the lagometer ( Default: 10 380 )

add: r_ambientLightOnly <0|1-2> to enable only ambientlights on the map.
0 - map default lightning (default)
1 - enable only ambientlight ( this will give an fps boost )
1.0-2.0 - set the light ammount.. this needs a map restart to get the correct light ammount.
(1.0 is default, 1.5 is middle and 2.0 is bright)

add: s_altHitsounds <0-1> Allows the usage of alternate hitsounds.
0 - default q4 hitsounds
1 - enable q3 hitsounds ( but still different hitsounds for armorhits )

add: 'callvote' as alias for clientCallvote

add: who will find the super secret easteregg first?

~ clientcallvote options ~~~~~~

chg: teamdamage <0|1|2> - see si_teamdamage
add: stairjumps <0|1> - see pm_stairjumps
add: smoothboxjumps <0-16> - see pm_smoothboxjumps
add: freemodels <0|1> - see si_freemodels
add: fastswitch <0|1> - see g_fastWeaponSwitch
add: spawntype <0-3> - see g_spawnType
add: altminrespawnlimit <0|1> - see g_altMinRespawnLimit
add: maxrespawntime - see g_maxRespawnTime

~ Note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To use the green armor in baseq4 and xbm u need to put additional lines
to yourmap.defunder the mapdef section:

entityDef item_armor_jacket_mp

"editor_usage""Green armor"
"inv_name""Green armor"

~ eof ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 pts #1: mkääylove them schiaat_died @ 21.12.2005 14:20
rockt :P

0 pts #2: bsq @ 21.12.2005 14:25
wiso q4max? lol

0 pts #3: q.e.d.charas @ 21.12.2005 18:29
steit jo i de news wieso -.-

nice niuz mickey :)

0 pts #4: ruke  @ 21.12.2005 21:32
schade f�r champi... xbattle f�r q3 war auf jedenfall eine innovation :)

0 pts #5: [DL]BeMaC  @ 21.12.2005 22:16
Q4max sicherlech schlechter atm.. aus Xbattle hoffe Xbattle wird sech d�resetzte spieles lieber =)

0 pts #6: MaC  @ 24.12.2005 18:09
q4max = 1on1
xbattle=tdm ctf

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