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Team edge wieder mit 5 Spieler! cs 
24.03.2004 21:09 - kalk
Nachdem diese Woche die drei Spieler nzaihn, zone und elevate den dänischen Clan Dänemark Team edge verlassen mussten, gaben diese heute bekannt, zwei neue Spieler gefunden zu haben. Gemeint sind die beiden schwedischen Spieler Schweden Magix und Schweden MegatoN. Beide verliessen überraschenderweise den Clan Schweden ID.Matrix .
Unter mehr noch das Lineup und ein kurzes Interview, geführt von Schweden gosey
von SK.
Das Lineup von Dänemark Team edge.

Dänemark edge\calc
Dänemark edge\Drally
Schweden edge\Magix
Schweden edge\MegatoN
Dänemark edge\spx

Hier noch das Interview mit Schweden edgeMagix.

You are leaving Matrix for team edge, howcome?
I've been playing with Matrix now for about 5½ months I think. we've be trying to find a GOOD sponsor during that time without no sucess. about 1 week ago calcer gave me and MegatoN an offer to play with them, and here we are. they got more sponsors then Matrix, we had none, so the offer was quite hard to resist

How do you feel saying goodbye to your old teammates in Matrix? Felt like we had to do it to get somewhere. Wasn�t fun, but it had to be done.

Do you know what will happen to Matrix and their remaining members now? I have no idea, but there is a statement coming up later tonight.

How did the contacts with edge come about? Me and calc have been friends for sometime (<3). So he contacted me, as I said, 1 week ago. He basically said: �We want you! Join us!".

Won't there be problems with distance and language?
Naah. calc and spx understand Swedish. we just have to learn Drally to understand it too :D The distance won�t be a problem. Like any other clan, we'll be playing from a café, and before a big event we'll go down to Denmark and boot camp

Knowing the history of the Danish scene weren�t you sceptical?
Nopé.. I don't care about the past, I'm aiming for the future focusing on our own team.

And that leads directly to my next question, what are your future plans, upcoming events? At the moment we're going to focus 100% on the Danish ESWC Qualifier.

How do you guys expect to perform there? We're aiming for the first place, of course!

What sponsors do you have? Steelpad/Icemat sponsors us with domestic LAN events, mouse pads etc.

Guess thats all for me right now, any last comments? I want to thank Legenden, Zad and rvd for the time we had in Matrix, peace out boys! wish us gl! aNNa Xo


0 pts #1: ieS|mat1  @ 24.03.2004 21:49
uha krass :D

0 pts #2: 370  @ 24.03.2004 22:43
schad um id

0 pts #3: bLoudE @ 24.03.2004 23:02
matrix ://

0 pts #4: migOne  @ 25.03.2004 07:01

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