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What about Quake? gnet quake 
09.08.2007 08:29 - MickeY
Ein Journalist namens Rod "Slasher" Breslau hat sich aufgemacht, um dem Executive Producer von ID Software, Marty Stratton, einige Fragen �ber die an der QuakeCon angek�ndigten Spiele QuakeZero und Quake 5 zu stellen.

Das Interview ist echt interessant und alleine die Aussagen, dass Q5 sich wieder an das gute alte Quake 3 Arena anlehnen soll und dass sie das Spiel E-Sport tauglich machen wollen, h�ren sich sehr sehr gut an.

Das Interview findet ihr hier. F�r alle Fans der Quake Serie ist es wohl ein Muss!
Ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

Slasher: Can you tell some things about the new Quake Arena game?
Stratton: Well, not really, *laughs*. It's in the infancy stage, just throwing around ideas and concepts for the next Quake Arena game. We're going to use QuakeZero as a beta test in deploying different systems, spectating ability, matchmaking, doing different tournaments, collecting data, all that stuff that goes into the game. On a high level, it'll be very much like Quake 3 Arena in that it's fast paced, primarily a dueling game but will have team aspects to it. High action, high energy, likely built on id Tech 5, and stylistically from just about every aspect including user interfaces, scoreboards and stats, we will be thinking of the game in terms of a sport. That means different things to a lot of different people but that's the core of what we want.

Slasher:When id says that it's looking at its next game as a sport, are we talking about what most people in the competitive gaming industry call eSports?
Stratton: Yeah, I think so; there are just so many factors that play into it. We're thinking about the game in every way as a sport. As an example, every time we're at tournaments we see players crank the graphics down to a flat-shaded mess. So I think as we develop, we can consider, guys playing competitively, that they want some contrast between the player and the back wall. It's not great to have in a competitive environment, a totally rusted...


-1 pts #1: LEMA @ 09.08.2007 10:26
und dass sie das Spiel auf E-Sport angepasst machen wollen

h�rt sich komisch an... wie w�rs mit?

und dass sie das Spiel dem E-Sport anpassen wollen
und dass sie das Spiel E-Sport tauglich machen wollen

sonst sch�ne News, interessantes Interview.... Danke Mickey =)

+1 pts #2: skV-graff  @ 09.08.2007 10:40
jo thx 4 info

-1 pts #3: MickeY @ 09.08.2007 10:42
merci has mal aapasst de satz het mer au nid passt aber ha denn m�esse wiiterschaffe ;D

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