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Profil: fuNksoul|sKaaaa
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Nickname: fuNksoul|sKaaaa 
Name: Matthias S.
Hauptteam Funksoul Brothers 3oo1
Geburtstag: 12.02.1990
Wohnort: Zug (Baar)
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
Pro Seite:
Datum Event
14.01.2007 17:5793' til infinity: renamed to: 93\' til infinity
14.01.2007 17:50new permission in 93' til infinity: all
14.01.2007 16:47got league player status: 93' til infinity
14.01.2007 16:45invitation to clan got accepted: 93' til infinity
14.01.2007 16:44new invitation to clan: 93' til infinity
07.01.2007 17:45Funksoul Brothers 3oo1 fancLub: deactivated by: Jaxxxx
22.10.2006 02:31new permission in Funksoul Brothers 3oo1: match
21.10.2006 18:50got league player status: Funksoul Brothers 3oo1
03.10.2006 14:21Funksoul Brothers r3 fancLub: renamed to: Funksoul Brothers 3oo1 fancLub
01.10.2006 18:09Funksoul Brothers r3: renamed to: Funksoul Brothers 3oo1
14.09.2006 16:40Funksoul Brothers r3: renamed to: Funksoul Brothers r3 fancLub
14.09.2006 16:40In memories of fuNksoul-Brothers 3oo1: renamed to: Funksoul Brothers r3
26.08.2006 08:56lost league player status: Funksoul Brothers r3
06.08.2006 13:14#team.ZUG: renamed to: team.ZUG
04.08.2006 13:02NewSchool Funksoul Brothers: renamed to: Funksoul Brothers r3
31.07.2006 11:00got league player status: NewSchool Funksoul Brothers
31.07.2006 10:23lost league player status: NewSchool Funksoul Brothers
25.06.2006 19:45got league player status: NewSchool Funksoul Brothers
25.06.2006 18:52invitation to clan got accepted: NewSchool Funksoul Brothers
25.06.2006 18:52new invitation to clan: NewSchool Funksoul Brothers
25.06.2006 18:48In memories of fuNksoul-Brothers: renamed to: In memories of fuNksoul-Brothers 3oo1
25.06.2006 18:27FuNksoUL - F A N C L U B: renamed to: In memories of fuNksoul-Brothers
25.06.2006 18:26Funksoul Brothers 3oo1: deactivated by: zimtSTERNNNNN
09.05.2006 09:36new permission in FuNksoUL - F A N C L U B: all
09.05.2006 09:35invitation to clan got accepted: FuNksoUL - F A N C L U B
Pro Seite:

Reg. seit11.09.2005
Letzter Login07.11.10
Anz. Buddies7
Buddy bei7

Funksoul Brothers 3oo1
93' til infinity

Game IDs
Steam ID 1.60:1:1...

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ich uf dim.. well du s...
du machsch es au :p
w�rsch aber gern :p
sowas bechunsch halt n...
h�bsch g�ll?

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