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Wetterprognose Türkei: ES SCHNEIT quake 
08.02.2005 20:20 - atomigo
Es schneit! Zwar nicht so sehr in den Alpen, desto mehr jedoch im Land von Kemal Atatürk. Und dies so heftig, dass dies folgenschwere Konsequenzen für den CPL-Worltour-Stop hat.

Due to inclement weather conditions, the Istanbul International Airport in Turkey has been closed. Most other methods of transportation to and within Istanbul are partially disabled. Because there is not a foreseeable end to the record-breaking winter storms occurring in Turkey, the CPL World Tour Turkey Stop has been postponed.
At this time, the CPL is negotiating with airlines to assist the event participants with flight reservations in getting the dates for their reservations changed.
Additional information will be provided in a more detailed press notice to be released later today.

Wie die CPL bekanntgab wird es aber ein Ersatzturnier für diejenigen Spieler die bereits angereist sind, oder ein nicht stornierbares Flugticket besitzen geben. Es geht dabei hauptsächlich um die Qualifikation für den Stop in Spanien. Über ein neues Datum für den eigentlichen Stop in der Türkei wird noch nachgedacht.

Einige Topspieler sind vor Ort, jedoch ist noch nicht abzusehen, wieviele von ihnen am Turnier teilnehmen werden.

*UPDATE* Unter mehr findet ihr das Statement vom Gross-Guru Angel Munoz.
CPL CEO Angel Munoz statement in the CPL forum:

The $50,000 Tour has been rescheduled and we are holding a $20,000 qualifier this week. My math shows that is a 40% increase in prizes for two events in Turkey.

The World Tour is not only a tournament, but also a media opportunity for the sport. If our media partners, and some sponsors have canceled their trips and we cannot hold our televised cultural tour then it is not in our best interest to hold the Tour Stop.

Furthermore, there has been almost 700 traffic accidents since the storm hit, including one involving the truck that was carrying our tournament computers, which got mostly destroyed and staff member Scott Valencia was bruised up during this unfortunate incident.

Things like this happen in life, and now it's time for the pro-gamers to show some professionalism and understand that we are thinking of the sport and of their safety; and nothing else.

In fact, the only reason we are even holding the Tour Qualifier is because some people are finding it impossible to cancel their tickets (or are already in Istanbul) and we want to make sure their trip there is not wasted.

Many people, including myself, have canceled their trips.

0 pts #1: [deleted] @ 08.02.2005 20:21
llooooooooll n1 news :)

0 pts #2: kyle @ 08.02.2005 20:29

0 pts #3: m4`puitoN  @ 08.02.2005 20:30
tjo so chas gah

0 pts #4: dk @ 08.02.2005 20:30
ja nu

0 pts #5: darude @ 08.02.2005 20:38
haha nice =)

0 pts #6: [deleted] @ 08.02.2005 20:43

0 pts #7: dannyyy  @ 08.02.2005 20:45

0 pts #8: reakt'saimn @ 08.02.2005 20:53

0 pts #9: [deleted] @ 08.02.2005 21:00

0 pts #10: raykar`- @ 08.02.2005 21:12
damm ich wet ferie

0 pts #11: |mYkon  @ 08.02.2005 22:39
haha n1 ^^

0 pts #12: nuke @ 08.02.2005 22:50
sparky du schlampe hesch au überall din senf derzue :P

bzw. ich will au schneeeeeeeeeeeeeee

0 pts #13: [deleted] @ 09.02.2005 00:42
hör mer uf mit schnee i will wieder 30° : )

0 pts #14: KingPhantom @ 09.02.2005 01:23
e huere durenand... loool... herrlich

0 pts #15: PaGuL <3 bushido @ 09.02.2005 03:28
hahahaha :D

0 pts #16: som aka Eleonor @ 09.02.2005 10:57
rächt bitter für d organisatore und d spieler wo nid chöi ga ...

0 pts #17: [deleted] @ 09.02.2005 10:58
tjo böser petrus der spielverderber 8)

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