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Die CPL kämpft gegen Drogen rest 
07.12.2006 09:26 - MickeY
"The CPL reserves the right to conduct illicit drug testing at its own discretion, when league officials have reason to believe that such test is necessary and appropriate."

Dies ist der neue Satz, der in die Terms and Conditions der CPL unter Punkt 5.5 eingetragen wurde. Damit kriegt die CPL das Recht, an ihren Events Drogentests durchzuf�hren.

Ob das ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Professionalisierung des E-Sports ist, oder einfach nur eine Schikane f�r einige kleine "Kiffer", ja diese Frage wird uns wohl erst n�chstes Jahr beantwortet, wenn die CPL ihr neues Gesetz einf�hrt. Fakt ist aber, dass dies bereits bei wohl allen grossen Sportanl�ssen �blich ist. Einzelne wird es wohl st�ren, aber f�r das Gros der Gamer ist es wohl eher ein Schritt vorw�rts!

0 pts #1: |dusk @ 07.12.2006 10:53
Wenn viel Geld im Spiel ist, sind gewissen Menschen alle Mittel recht. Dies zeigt sich in allen Sportarten. Diesbez�glich finde ich das ok. Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, muss nichts bef�rchten.
Klar kann es m�hsam sein sich solchen Tests auszusetzen aber unsere Gesellschaft ist nun mal so.

0 pts #2: TmG.blacky. @ 07.12.2006 11:01
findi richtig.. do gits diverses wo cha helfe.. ritalin etc. sogar selber testet.. bisch eifach ruhiger und konzentrierter ( i has im schuelische rahme igsetzt.. )

0 pts #3: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 07.12.2006 11:02
so, jetzt no schnell br�nzle. und denn chasch evtl din pokal go abhole!

0 pts #4: [deleted] @ 07.12.2006 11:48
das chan scho si das meh durch gw�ssi droge ruhiger wird...aber es verschaft einem kei Skillboost.

0 pts #5: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 07.12.2006 12:01
du wirschs ja w�sse, was eim de skillboost verpasst!

0 pts #6: bLunt @ 07.12.2006 12:15
zom gloeck beni ke pg :D

0 pts #7: EoEEfeu.cH  @ 07.12.2006 13:43
Supper sach... so wirs esport no meh als Sport anerkannt..
Wenn wieder mal jemand behauptet das seg ke sport, de chamer immer sege:

I eusem Sport machets Drogetest xD

Me kifft ja au nid ame esport event... fuer sowas nimmt me lanpartys xD

0 pts #8: SESF|dario @ 07.12.2006 14:43
Was macht jetzt da einer dem Ritalin vom Arzt verschrieben wurde? Normalerweise verschreibt dies ein Arzt ja nicht einfach so um die E-Sport Karriere des Patienten zu f�rdern.

Ritalin ist hier wirklich ein Grenzfall, da es legal erworben werden kann, auf Rezept. Die Wirkung kann aber sehr gut sp�rbar sein.

Ich freu mich schon auf Diskussionen wie in anderen Sportarten ;) ^^

0 pts #9: [deleted] @ 07.12.2006 16:22
najo ich frag mi eifach e chli, da s�tt zw�sche droge und "droge" differenziert werde.

viel spass zb uf halluzinogene substanze z aime ;P...

bi aregende u wekende mittel ch�nnts hingege anders si... jedoch werde scho iz unmengene vo bombas und redbulls und guarana z�gs gschluckt wo LEGAL isch xD

0 pts #10: xsq.fiN @ 08.12.2006 02:45
hrhr aendlech..

0 pts #11: H.eXc|dataCore @ 08.12.2006 08:58
owned man sich nich selber (so rein vom aim her) wenn man vor wichtigen wars noch schnell eine t�te raucht?

gut zwar bei 10Bier steigt bei mir der scout skill auch :)

0 pts #12: basilisk|Dark Coyote @ 08.12.2006 09:33
Naja ich denke es geht hier nicht haupts�chlich um Drogen die dein Bewusstsein erweitern sondern eher leistungssteigernde Drogen und das macht sinn.

:) bloss was ist erlaubt und was nicht:)

0 pts #13: [deleted] @ 08.12.2006 11:10
Drugs And Gaming
The Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) has begun preparations for potential drug testing of pro gamers at its events next year, according to founder and president Angel Munoz.

In 2007, the CPL's terms and conditions will include a new provision allowing the CPL to test participating players for drugs. "The potential for [drugs] being an issue absolutely concerns me," Munoz says. "It should concern anybody in eSports, because as the stakes get larger, as in any sport, people will look for an edge."

That "edge" has become a growing concern for some in professional gaming, who believe gamers could potentially use illegal drugs such as crystal methamphetamine and even prescription medications like Ritalin to increase their alertness, reflex times, physical stamina and mental concentration. TwitchGuru previously reported on how such substances are being abused by gamers at LAN parties, and the possible threat of performance-enhancing drugs tainting professional competitions where hundreds of thousands of pounds are stake.

Munoz says that in the CPL's application forms for professional tournaments, it already has specific rules and regulations prohibiting drugs. However, the organization has never actually tested any players for illegal or illicit substances. But Munoz says that will all change in 2007; CPL lawyers, he says, have just recently finished drafting new terms and conditions for CPL tournament participants. The new provision will require any pro gamer to submit to a drug test. "We have very strict rules about illegal drugs," Munoz says. "In 2007, we are going to have the right to drug test someone. It's going to have to be this way."

The CPL isn't planning on any random drug testing for its events - Munoz says he hopes it never comes to that. Instead, the organization is simply preparing for the possibility of requiring specific individuals to submit to a drug test. "It hasn't been an issue yet. None of the top players I know have ever been accused of drug use or anything like that," Munoz says. "But we want to reserve the right to test people, in case there's an accusation or indications that someone might be using a performance-enhancing substance."

The CPL hopes that requiring gamers to submit to a drug test will be a "great deterrent" for new players looking for a quick route to fame and fortune. "It offends the sport when you have somebody taking meth, for instance," Munoz says. "We're going to take a stand on this."

This isn't the first time the CPL has tackled the issue of drugs. Munoz says that four years ago the CPL banned a particular product - a drug that Munoz couldn't recall the name of - that gamers believed gave them an edge during competitive play. There were no conclusive tests proving that this was the case, but Munoz decided to err on the side of caution and send notices to all participating players that the substance was banned at all CPL events. "We have addressed this before it's become an issue, on a case by case basis," Munoz says.

As for caffeine-loaded energy drinks such as Red Bull and Rockstar, Munoz says the CPL has no plans to regulate such products, even though some gamers have complained about the heavy consumption of such drinks and the positive effects they have on gaming. "We can't really regulate that. Can you really tell a tennis player not to drink a lot of caffeine before a match?" Munoz says. "Plus, I'm not sure that caffeine is the right drug for gaming."

Still, the CPL plans to implement a strict policy for future competitions, covering all illegal substances from marijuana to cocaine. Even prescription drugs will be scrutinized: potent stimulants such as methylphenidates (Ritalin) can be prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but are also abused by people who crush the pills and snort the powder to get high. Methylphenidates are said to increase concentration and prevent mental fatigue. "If it's an illegal substance - even mushrooms right from nature - it's not going to be at our events," Munoz says.

Top professional gamer Jonathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel told in 2001 that he believed the CPL would eventually have to institute random drug testing if gaming was going to be considered a true sport. In the same article, Munoz said that if illegal drug use at competitions ever became a concern, the CPL would begin testing for illicit substances.

0 pts #14: RANDOMDonManetti  @ 08.12.2006 14:06
zwiefellos ch�nder gw�ssi droge zu besserer und vor allem l�ngerer leistig helfe, m�edigkeit chasch da ganz eifach reguliere, mit methamphetamine wohl �ppe am beste.

0 pts #15: [deleted] @ 11.12.2006 23:01
... meth n� f�r besseri leistige ? =/ aua...

edit: de hesch all 2 jahr KOMPLETT neui teams xD

0 pts #16: H.eXc|dataCore @ 20.12.2006 08:46
ier spinnet alli z�me :) eizig putschmittel isch es flotts wiskey / bier

ups des sind �i droge :(

0 pts #17: [deleted] @ 30.12.2006 19:50
naja bi mir w�rdets ehmeine de drugtest spinnt das chan nit sie ;-)

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