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EuroCup: Die Playoffs quake 
11.01.2006 13:44 - MickeY
Heute Morgen hat die ClanBase die Begegnungen f�r die Quake 4 TDM Eurocup Playoffs bekanntgegeben.

Mit dabei sind nat�rlich auch unsere Spieler von ch TRIAD. Diese werden nun in den 1/16-Finals auf de mTw.ATI treffen. Ein Termin f�r das Spiel wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben.

Unter mehr findet ihr noch die Prediction f�r dieses Spiel von RiGHT, ClanBase Admin, sowie die weiteren Begegnungen.

Prediction mTw.ATI vs. TRIAD:

The artists formerly known as the Swiss Underquakers, later Swiss Uberquakers, now known as the myTRIAD team. After a very good start, the team seemed to stop improving as rapidly as they had the first few weeks in Quake 4. Yet, their only 2 losses were 2-0 versus Team9 and GUNK , no other dropped maps. In their last match against aliengaming's old Quake 4 team, after a destroying first map, the alien team even decided they did not want to go through a 2nd map anymore and defaulted after a 150+ frag battering. So if they have gotten themselves back into an improving curve...?
mTw has just as long a history as SUQ/TRIAD. mTw has always been the just-a-little-bigger clan, with very well known names througout it's Quake history. The current lineup, who started their Quake 4 carreers under the Dignitas flag, but then with the addition of one of Germany's best TDM players litchblade is worthy of the reputation of this German powerhouse.
Prediction: This could become an interesting match. I believe that mTw is the stronger clan here, but TRIAD will not just roll over and give up. If mTw can get their teamplay rolling however, then this could end up in a 3-0 match, but I believe this could go into 5 maps: 3-2 to mTw.

Die restlichen Begegnungen:

sw team9 vs fnatic ne
de aL.MSI vs DIE sw
de sCa vs United Newbs sw
chTRIAD vs mTw.ATI de
de ess vs tek9 eu
it T vs mayhem no
sw wooSai vs Pentagram pl
it SoL vs N sw

Die Gruppengewinner k�nnen diese Runde auslassen und befinden sich bereits in der n�chsten Runde.

0 pts #1: gNET|Yverman  @ 11.01.2006 14:40
insti kl�rt ;)

0 pts #2: [DL]Hell  @ 11.01.2006 14:48
insti isch � kl�ralag!;) hehe

het eifach m�ess� si Yves!:)

0 pts #3: LEMA @ 11.01.2006 15:11
sch�ni prediction chani numme agree�
wird schwer f�r triad.... gl :-)

0 pts #4: AemJaY  @ 11.01.2006 16:48
go triad!!!!

0 pts #5: iNkognito*cRp  @ 11.01.2006 17:27
chunnt scho guet..

0 pts #6: Batt0sai @ 11.01.2006 22:43
auf jedenfall nicht unm�glich...

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