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Profil: 1ShoT / al(l)ways
Nickname: 1ShoT / al(l)ways
Name: Manuel
Hauptteam -
Geburtstag: 12.07.1990
Wohnort: Allschwil
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
1-25/61[ 1 ... 3 ] >
Pro Seite:
Datum Event
22.04.2007 21:23Twenty Four: deactivated by: spa/vky
22.04.2007 13:26new permission in En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>: match
22.04.2007 13:26got league player status: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
14.02.2007 20:25accepted invitation from clan: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
14.02.2007 20:24changed name to: 1ShoT / al(l)ways
14.02.2007 20:24new invitation from clan: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
14.02.2007 20:23reactivated clan: 5erious-Gaming 2on2
14.02.2007 20:21new invitation to clan: Enemy Priority <sQu4r3>
14.02.2007 20:17removed invitation to clan: enemy
14.02.2007 20:17new invitation to clan: enemy
12.03.2006 21:53got kicked: 5erious-Gaming
08.03.2006 12:41new permission in O.C. California: match
27.02.2006 09:395erious-Gaming: deactivated by: F 1 N E
12.02.2006 19:01new invitation to clan: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
11.02.2006 22:28accepted invitation from clan: Twenty Four
09.02.2006 22:38new invitation from clan: Twenty Four
29.11.2005 21:54kicked: painful eXperience
29.11.2005 21:51kicked: painful eXperience sQ black
29.11.2005 21:51lost leader: painful eXperience sQ black
28.11.2005 18:56kicked: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
28.11.2005 18:56got reactivated: En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
23.11.2005 22:00accepted: painful eXperience
23.11.2005 20:29signed up: painful eXperience
23.11.2005 20:29got leader: painful eXperience sQ black
23.11.2005 20:01accepted: painful eXperience sQ black
1-25/61[ 1 ... 3 ] >
Pro Seite:

Reg. seit19.02.2005
Letzter Login01.04.07
Anz. Buddies6
Buddy bei5

En3mY Pr!or!tY <r3al!tY>
5erious-Gaming 2on2
O.C. California

Game IDs
Steam ID 1.60:1:2...
Steam ID CS:S0:1:2...

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Und sop scheiss Cheate...
Lol was ich ha ihn nid...
Was geht! Händ jo gwu...
Ojeoje das wird heftig =)

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