Passwort vergessen
Profil: [omg!]emily k.
Nickname: [omg!]emily k.
Name: beniii
Hauptteam ohmygod CupAcc.
Geburtstag: 28.10.1988
Wohnort: Gretzenbach
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
1-25/127[ 1 2 3 ... 6 ] >
Pro Seite:
Datum Event
22.09.2008 18:09left league: FIFA 2008: 1on1
22.09.2008 18:07received penalty point: 2
15.09.2008 14:55received penalty point: 2
07.09.2008 20:50received penalty point: 2
31.08.2008 22:53received penalty point: 2
21.08.2008 18:15received penalty point: 2
05.08.2008 17:59invitation to clan got declined: ieS Virtual Gaming
05.08.2008 09:40invitation to clan got declined: BrokeN ArroW
04.08.2008 20:46accepted league join request: FIFA 2008: 1on1
04.08.2008 16:52new invitation to clan: ieS Virtual Gaming
04.08.2008 16:52new invitation to clan: pRE´FACTION
04.08.2008 16:38new invitation to clan: BrokeN ArroW
04.08.2008 16:36join league request: FIFA 2008: 1on1
04.08.2008 16:34changed name to: emily k.
15.06.2008 17:08waiting list erased: FIFA 2008: 1on1
16.10.2007 00:25pashGANG: renamed to: pashGANG # inaktive
18.05.2007 12:25got league player status: ohmygod CupAcc.
18.05.2007 12:25new permission in ohmygod CupAcc.: all
18.05.2007 04:09accepted invitation from clan: ohmygod CupAcc.
17.05.2007 21:34new invitation from clan: ohmygod CupAcc.
23.04.2007 22:23changed name to: aem \' keiy?
18.04.2007 19:03new permission in pashGANG: all
15.04.2007 21:20changed name to: to hiGH 4u
02.04.2007 21:23invitation to clan got accepted: pashGANG #FanClub
02.04.2007 19:57new invitation to clan: pashGANG #FanClub
1-25/127[ 1 2 3 ... 6 ] >
Pro Seite:

Reg. seit18.04.2004
Letzter Login22.09.08
Anz. Buddies2
Buddy bei7

ohmygod CupAcc.
pashGANG # inaktive
is xs1cht?
pashGANG #FanClub

Game IDs
Steam ID 1.6STEAM...
FIFA MMplayor

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haha hani au mol gspel...
wer ned gspellt :D zu ...
lal scoreboard 11:4 un...
lucky :D n1 neqo, du b...
omg am samstig chanich...

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