Passwort vergessen
Profil: DCtotheP4real
Nickname: DCtotheP4real
Name: Pete
Hauptteam -
Geburtstag: 10.05.1988
Wohnort: KT.SO
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest
PH clanless und so weiter.. bin aber aktiv und bin erfreut auf angebote.....


-Nationalit�t: USA US , Philippiner PH
-Geburtsort: San Francisco (California)

:: Dark-ol :: 2005

dark-ol hat es schnell auf die oberen Treppen der Schweizer Szene gebracht. Wie auch schon bei ID spielen die drei Spieler cheese, DCP und cani schon l�ngere Zeit zusammen und gingen durch dick und d�nn. Den gr�ssten Erfolg konnten sie an den WCG National Final verbuchen, als man Teams wie Identity Gaming oder Guerillasheep das Handwerk legen konnte. Im Finale scheiterte man schlussendlich an RANDOM Gaming. Das Team ist jung und motiviert, was sie in den letzten beiden gNET Saisons gezeigt haben. In der vergangenen Saison mussten sie mit einigen Spielerwechseln umgehen, was man aber nun in den Griff bekam und die neue Saison mit neuem Mut angehen will.

CS1.6 5on5 Events

-2nd WCG Online Quali -lineup:(Cani, cheese, Neddy, Vatos, DCP)
-2nd WCG National Finals -lineup:(Cani, cheese, Neddy, Vatos, DCP)

LAN's 5on5

-2nd Netplex I -lineup: (dimiko, syrus, emerica, vatos, DCP )
-1st Netplex II -lineup:dark-ol(Cani, vexus, Vatos, DCP)


by neQosama olo:)

#3: neqomaso 19.12.2005 22:22
i glaub vex vatos cheese neddy esch doch dark-ol gsi wo erfolg gha het oder ? si all 4 weg ;> usser wehrli

aber hf junx :>

#20: neqomaso 19.12.2005 23:17
dcp jedesfaus bsich du nie debi gsi wos viel erreicht hend ;> PIIZ

#21: dark-olDCtotheP 19.12.2005 23:18
.. jop stimmt do hesch recht neq

#22: dark-olwehrli 19.12.2005 23:19
jo jo :) si hei nat�rlech OHNI dr dcp d wcg quali gschaft. si hei nat�rlech OHNI dr dcp gege e1 gwunne. si hei nat�rlech OHNI dr dcp a de wcg finals gspiut... naja neqo...

KlammerBemerkung (gege e1 gwunne..sie hei mit em Yverman m�esse statt mit em spIder gspielt..)

einst auf PUBLIC

neQosama HYPskjd!
DCP da REAL! Abdisamed Mohamed
goLiath Christen Eriksson, toom

HYPskjd! : oje dumme huresohn cheater so low
NiP|Heaton : haha
Frida : ultra
Abdisamed Mohamed : lol.
HYPskjd! : wallhack hesch :)
Abdisamed Mohamed killed HYPskjd! with awp
HYPskjd! : und e hcline schwan z
Abdisamed Mohamed : jo genau
NiP|Heaton : flamers
Abdisamed Mohamed : kei ahnig hends da due puB players
Abdisamed Mohamed : kack hGT hehe
HYPskjd! : kleiner hrsn
Abdisamed Mohamed : ..
HYPskjd! : so auffaellig
HgT plaYz 4 : sali wer du?
Abdisamed Mohamed : DCP
HgT plaYz 4 : ah hetti grad grate1
*DEAD* HYPskjd! : HAHAHAHHAHAHA de DCP het ah !
*DEAD* Abdisamed Mohamed : ...
*DEAD* HYPskjd! : hure pinlech
*DEAD* HYPskjd! : wart grad ma movie mache :)
Abdisamed Mohamed : jo ok pls dues poste uf gnet und so
Abdisamed Mohamed : schrib ig cheate
* HgT plaYz 4 changed name to HgTlein
HYPskjd! : du bsich gar net dcp aber isi
Abdisamed Mohamed : - :: IRC Q.Net: #dark-ol -
HgTlein : sicher ischers
HYPskjd! : lol aimbot dcp :)
HgTlein : lol ^^
HYPskjd! : dcp faker
Abdisamed Mohamed : /..
HYPskjd! : idiotesohn
Abdisamed Mohamed : - :: IRC Q.Net: #dark-ol -
HgTlein : omg
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
(Terrorist) Christen Eriksson : idiote kiddy
HYPskjd! has left the game
HYPskjd! connect
*** HYPskjd! killed Abdisamed Mohamed with a headshot from ak47 ***
Abdisamed Mohamed (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! killed Player with ak47
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
*DEAD* ' : omg
*DEAD* ' : loel
*** HYPskjd! killed Abdisamed Mohamed with a headshot from ak47 ***
Player : ER WEISS ES!!!!!
*** Christen Eriksson killed HYPskjd! with a headshot from galil ***
HYPskjd! has left the game
HYPskjd! connected
HYPskjd! is joining the Terrorist force
(Terrorist) Christen Eriksson : hyp bisch sicher de aermschst..
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
Christen Eriksson attacked a teammate
Your name will be changed after your next respawn.
Christen Eriksson killed HYPskjd! with ak47
Christen Eriksson has left the game
Player killed Frida with m4a1
Christen Eriksson attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
Christen Eriksson attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
Christen Eriksson attacked a teammate
* Abdisamed Mohamed changed name to dark-ol | DCP
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
*** HYPskjd! killed dark-ol | DCP with a headshot from galil ***
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : stop
toom connected
toom is joining the Terrorist force
dark-ol | DCP (RADIO): Fire in the hole
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
*DEAD* Player : kind
*DEAD* dark-ol | DCP : HYP du hesch kollege weniger...
HYPskjd! : lieber kind als cheater
dark-ol | DCP : LUEG ESL DU HRSN
dark-ol | DCP attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! killed dark-ol | DCP with galil
] status

hostname: NoNameServer CS 1.6 (
version : 47/ 2827 secure
tcp/ip :
map : de_dust at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 9 active (14 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
# 1 "HgTlein" 2706 STEAM_0:1:8787588 3 05:55 16 0
# 2 "Player" 2707 STEAM_0:0:123467 4 02:37 28 0
# 3 "Gabriela" 2693 STEAM_0:0:9626837 0 22:39 14 0
# 4 "'" 2708 STEAM_0:1:7006435 0 02:07 86 0
# 5 "Frida" 2694 STEAM_0:0:4518864 1 22:34 27 0
# 7 "toom" 2709 STEAM_0:0:1247746 0 00:28 20 0
#10 "HYPskjd!" 2696 STEAM_0:0:6702830 -1 21:41 21 0
#13 "dark-ol | DCP" 2683 STEAM_0:0:17574 5 36:25 30 0

9 user

(Terrorist) toom : oh man
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
*** toom killed HYPskjd! with a headshot from deagle **
HYPskjd! has left the game
toom attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! connected
HYPskjd! is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD*(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : cheater willsch net server verlah ?
*DEAD*(Terrorist) toom : sicher isch-s de richtig
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
(Terrorist) toom : bin mit ihm ts
(Terrorist) toom : du depp
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! killed toom with ak47
dark-ol | DCP : und en 6millione STEAM ID HESCH AU lol du bisch en noob....
HYPskjd! attacked a teammate
HYPskjd! killed dark-ol | DCP with glock18
*DEAD*(Terrorist) toom : fett..
*DEAD* HYPskjd! : nei cheater het mer nie gern Frida
*DEAD*(Terrorist) toom : hyp du bisch so was vo dra
HYPskjd! killed dark-ol | DCP with ak47
HYPskjd! has left the game
*DEAD*(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : nei cheater het mer nie gern @ frida
*DEAD* ' : omg
Player : hoer mo uf de shceiss tk
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : dcp spiel normal k>
(Terrorist) toom : gell neqo..
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : dcp diu hesch a
Player : typisch neko
(Terrorist) toom : oh neq bisch so dra
toom : scheiss neqo
dark-ol | DCP : DU HRSN
HYPskjd! killed j$ | Sp4rkl3z -[13]- with deagle
toom : typisch kiddy
HYPskjd! has left the game
HYPskjd! connecte
HYPskjd! is joining the Terrorist force
] status

hostname: NoNameServer CS 1.6 (
version : 47/ 2827 secure

tcp/ip :
map : de_dust at: 0 x, 0 y, 0
players : 9 active (14 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
# 1 "HgTlein" 2706 STEAM_0:1:8787588 3 09:52 14 0
# 2 "Player" 2707 STEAM_0:0:123467 9 06:34 34 0
# 3 "Gabriela" 2693 STEAM_0:0:9626837 3 26:36 16 0
# 4 "'" 2708 STEAM_0:1:7006435 1 06:04 87 0
# 5 "Frida" 2694 STEAM_0:0:4518864 2 26:31 15 0
# 6 "j$ | Sp4rkl3z -[13]-" 2710 STEAM_0:1:1930420 0 04:13 22 0
# 7 "toom" 2709 STEAM_0:0:1247746 -1 04:25 12 0
#10 "HYPskjd!" 2711 STEAM_0:0:6702830 0 02:29 20 0
#13 "dark-ol | DCP" 2683 STEAM_0:0:17574 6 40:22 36 0
9 users
] snapshot

j$ | Sp4rkl3z -[13]- : was het den de ah
toom : NIMER
toom : er macht eifach terror
toom : ihm isch langwilig
toom : dem kiddy
HYPskjd! : ne sit ich gseh han das de dcp ah het :)
dark-ol | DCP : ig hasse di neq..!
toom : oh neq
dark-ol | DCP : ok de gibs gnet
toom : du bisch sowas vor arm
toom : aber derb
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : er het ah i has gseh
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : mit wallhack :)
dark-ol | DCP : ok mach
dark-ol | DCP : mach movie
(Terrorist) toom : hahaha bisch duu luschtig
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : ja
(Terrorist) toom : du stinksch soo derb
(Terrorist) toom : ich wuerd eifach ufpasse
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : all sege ud bisch low :/
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : sogar ex m8s
(Terrorist) toom : isch soo klar das dich jede hasst chlises mongochind
dark-ol | DCP : hehe
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : *
dark-ol | DCP : JO ich bin lOW NEQ
(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : toom wayne net ume :)_
(Terrorist) toom : eifach ufpasse
(Terrorist) toom : chline mongo
*DEAD*(Terrorist) HYPskjd! : joe ha hure angst vorem iditoesohn :)
(Terrorist) toom : ich froeg mich scho recht wo du die foehrig ziit zum ufrege findsch..
ernsthaft.. anstatt normal zgame chunsch
(Terrorist) toom : ufrege
dark-ol | DCP : MACH MOVIE neQ
HYPskjd! dropped
HYPskjd! has left the game
Pers�nliche Angaben
Lieblingsmusik:Underground HipHOp
IRC-Channel:#dark-ol, #D-C-P
Mauspad:fUNC F-Series F30.R Large
Maus:Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical 1.1
Grafikkarte:ATI Radeon 9700Pro Hercules
Monitor:TFT 19'' BenQ 8ms 700:1 FP937s+

Reg. seit10.05.2004
Letzter Login21.10.06
Anz. Buddies27
Buddy bei29


Game IDs
Steam ID 1.60:0:1...
Steam ID CS:S0:0:1...

Letzte Besucher

Letzte Kommentare
oha wer h�tt das denkt..
shiiiizzzle ig luege w...
ig cha leider nid phil...
atm nid ! nur wenn es ...

Letzte Blogs

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