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I-view mit bloudE rest 
22.03.2004 14:07 - Smoking-|*|-Ya 
gNET: Could you please introduce yourself to those who don't know you ?

bloudE: I am Julien Christen, 18 years old, from Fleurier (Neuchâtel) and I play CS since 3 years. I had play for clan like HxTeam, a4s and TriaXe.

gNET: You are playing for team hystria, could you give some background
information, and tell us how you formed the team?

bloudE: We have formed the team after the wipeout lan, at the beginning, we wanted a team where all the members come from Neuchâtel to play since a cyber, but after 1 month zetOrd and Gally decide to stop CS, then we decide to recruit stezo and diL.

gNET: What were your main ambitions before? now? how are they different

bloudE: We always had the same ambition, being in the top swiss.

gNET: We have seen you attending some swiss events, what is your view on the Swiss Community ?

bloudE: I think that the swiss community is pretty young, and there is much new team which arrives in at the top, for the next events, like the qualifications for the ESWC or the WCG, it will be necessary to take all the teams with the serious one.

gNET: What actually made you become playing more than 'for fun' ?

bloudE: What us more make play seriously is the team atmosphere that we does not find on the public servers, but also the lans where we can find people who have same passion as us.

gNET: What do you think about new projects like or You think they benefit the community?

bloudE: Yes, I think that these various projects are very beneficial for the community, and I encourage the French-speaking to work out of such project, although is also in French, the site is not visited as much than the German part.

gNET: How do you imagine the swiss Counter-Strike scene in 1 years?

bloudE: The level of swiss teams gets constantly higher, and I hope see a swiss team in the top of cs scene.

gNET: Is there something that you could call the 'common goal' for the team?

bloudE: Yes, at first we want to do a name in the swiss and French community, with different league like gamersnet and ESL.

gNET: Will we be seeing you at international events? What is the cause for this?

bloudE: I hope :P seriously, I think that we miss still training to claim to take part in an international event, but maybe in a few months�

gNET: Who do you think attracts more women in the gaming scene, cs'ers or quakers?

bloudE: I think that is CS which attracts the most girl, because the plays is slower than Quake, it is played in team, there is many lan, etc.

gNET: Any last words?

bloudE: Good luck for the future, you can see bLoudE on #HystRia and bLoudE�s skill here ;))

#1: superstar @ 22.03.2004 14:13
*gg* en a4s gamer :P

#2: 370  @ 22.03.2004 14:19
je t'aime ;(

#3: [deleted] @ 22.03.2004 15:03
lernen die franzen kein engisch an der schule? mit 18 ... traurig

#4: xsq.Astatine @ 22.03.2004 15:10
und du kein deutsch gg ;O

#5: Level52  @ 22.03.2004 15:18
Jo die Sprache ist wirklich erschreckend.

Die Frage zu den Frauen hat er falsch verstanden und die Antwort auf die Frage, wie er sie verstanden hat macht wenig Sinn: Von den biologischen Voraussetzungen her wären Frauen eher in schnellen Spielen wie Q3-TDM gut. Natürlich habe ich nichts gegen CS-Zockerinnen. :) Zum Teamgeist sage ich lieber nichts näheres: Der sollte bei Männern zwar im Schnitt höher sein aber ist es bei den durchschnittlichen CS-Spielern wahrscheinlich nicht. :)

#6: Smoking-|*|-Ya  @ 22.03.2004 15:24
and the next i-view goes to level52 :)

#7: prefix @ 22.03.2004 15:57
mal ke lamerclan zur abwechslig, das isch immer guet

#8: Level52  @ 22.03.2004 15:58
Sicher nicht. Ich spiele gar nichts mehr aktiv und über meine geistigen Ergüsse wird eh nur gelacht. :)

#9: KIOSK.wdi @ 22.03.2004 16:14
link gaat nöd

#10: LEMA @ 22.03.2004 16:23
Smoka hett de instinkt zu dem was mir wend wüsse sehr nice :P

gl & hf hystRia

@ cleaner / level52 hauptsache man verstehts :)

#11: LowYn @ 22.03.2004 16:27
bLoudE t une star stoo

#12: ieS.FRAGBOXvicious @ 22.03.2004 17:45
g00d job =)

#13: dexter  @ 08.04.2004 19:21
luschtig, momou ganz luschtig :P


#14: neonroehre @ 19.04.2004 16:31
bonschür vicious
kiss ;)

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I-view mit bloudE

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