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29.06.2007 18:07 - Knecht
In einer offizieller Pressemitteilung der World Cyber Games wurde heute der weltweite Fernsehsender MTV und Spike TV als Medienpartner präsentiert. Als neuer weltweiter Medienpartner wird das MTV Network über die  WCG Grand Finals berichten sowie über den TV Sender Spike TV eine eigene Sendung über die WCG weltweit und über die Grand Finals ausstrahlen. Diese Partnerschaft ist der nächste Schritt in Richtung Zukunft des eSport!

Offizielle Pressemitteilung:

NEW YORK, NY, June X, 2007 – The World Cyber Games (WCG), the recognized blue chip leader for international video game competitions, announced it will present and distribute proprietary WCG content across Spike TV and MTVN’s cross-platform network of broadcast and digital media outlets. This marks the largest multi-media platform deal for the WCG and the first time Spike TV will telecast the WCG Grand Final. The announcement was made by Michael Arzt, general manager of International Cyber Marketing USA, organizer of the WCG, and Dario Spina, senior vice president of marketing for Spike TV. The World Cyber Games on Spike will be presented by Worldwide Partner Samsung Electronics and others.
“We are pleased and fortunate to unite with a premier global media partner and brands like Spike TV and MTV Networks to deliver cutting edge e-Sports coverage and storytelling to the world,” said Hyoung Seok Kim, CEO of International Cyber Marketing.

“Working with Spike TV is a great opportunity for the WCG to continue to showcase its unique brand of Olympic-style game festivals to a broader consumer audience than any other e-Sports property,” Arzt added. “We want to utilize this partnership to create an elevated and immersive experience for the gamers, fans and our partners in the U.S. by further establishing e-Sports as a sports and entertainment genre for a new generation.”

Spike TV will be designated as an official media partner at WCG domestic USA events and host broadcaster for the WCG Grand Final to be telecast in November in a one-hour special. The WCG will be featured on Spike TV’s original series Game Head for several weeks leading up to the WCG 2007 Grand Final to be held this October at Qwest Field in Seattle, Washington.

“Coverage of the World Cyber Games Grand Final is a great addition to our lineup as it appeals to our core demographic,” said Spina. “Interest in professional gaming is starting to explode and the World Cyber Games brings together the best gamers in the world for an unmatched competition. The fact the Grand Final is in the United States this year makes this the perfect time to begin covering this world class event.”

In each episode of Game Head, there will be a recap of the competitions leading up to the WCG Grand Final, behind the scenes look at this emerging world cultural festival, and profiles of the international e-Sports superstars. Spike TV will promote the show on-air with tune-in spots and online at, GameTrailers and Xfire. Also, each episode in 2007 will be streamed on the Game Head page of for one week following the on-air premiere.

MTVN’s GameTrailers and Xfire will combine forces to deliver coverage of the 2007 WCG through short form video segments. Additionally, Xfire will give the public the ability to test their skills against some of the teams that are competing in the WCG 2007 through sponsored “Play With The Pros” events.

With well over one million players from more than 70 countries, the World Cyber Games is widely regarded as the gaming world’s premier tournament. Featuring online and offline events held throughout the world, the year-long series attracted more than 1.3 million competitors worldwide in 2006. The 2006 WCG Grand Final in Monza, Italy broke new ground as more than 24 million people tuned in to watch the competition unfold in real-time, marking the first-ever global, live satellite broadcast for an e-Sports event.

Registration for the WCG USA 2007 Championship Tournament is underway at as are a number of WCG global market registrations. Interested players should consult their own country’s respective WCG website, all of which can be accessed via

In 2007, the United States will be at the center of the e-Sports world as the WCG Grand Final will take place in Seattle in October. Additional details regarding the WCG Grand Final and USA Championship Series will be released shortly.

Corporate partners for the 2007 WCG USA and Global programs include Worldwide Sponsor Samsung Electronics, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Games for Windows, Circuit City Stores, Philips amBX, Procurve Networking by HP, Samsung Digital Cameras and Dust-Off. Additional partners will be announced soon.

- Quelle


---[8/20 Punkte]---

0 pts #1: AemJaY  @ 30.06.2007 16:58
sch�n isch alles uf �nglisch :)
wer �bersezt das bitte f�r alli die wo ned uf copy past news st�nd? :-)

0 pts #2: Knecht @ 30.06.2007 18:32
ich glaube niemand macht sich die m�he sowas zu �bersetzen, da 99% aller Leute die es interessiert eh englisch k�nnen. Und deshalb ist es noch lange keine copy paste news.

0 pts #3: marcooo #moeps-lee @ 02.07.2007 07:48
sicher e gueti sach :) und mj mush halt no chli d schuelbank dr�cke ;S denn musch di n�chst mal nur no �ber "copy paste news" ufrege

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