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WCG Counter-Strike 1.6: 5on5

WCG 2009
Name:WCG Counter-Strike 1.6: 5on5
Saison:WCG08 Qualifikation
Teilnehmer:0 Aktiv, 50 Total
Matches:0, Aktivit�t 0
76-100/211< [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 9 ] >
Pro Seite:
DatumBenutzer Event
23.09.2008 20:13MickeYaccepted league join request: Obscenity Gaming
17.09.2008 12:55MickeYaccepted league join request: endless inspiration
08.09.2008 23:58mat1join league request: ieS Virtual Gaming WCG
25.01.2007 12:40mat1renamed to: IES Virtual Gaming
18.04.2007 23:56mat1renamed to: IN MEMORY OF IES.CS
25.01.2007 12:41mat1renamed to: IES VIRTUAL GAMING
15.11.2006 11:10mat1renamed to: ieS Virtual Gaming
13.08.2006 20:17MANUEL_Rrenamed to: reloaded-Gaming
01.07.2007 23:14KrasserAlijoin league request:
01.06.2008 14:50Kirby^renamed to: Skyline of bansheE
01.10.2006 18:09Jaxxxxrenamed to: Funksoul Brothers 3oo1
06.07.2007 09:28imFijoin league request: try 2 kill
23.10.2006 08:25imFirenamed to: chFighters INACTIVE
28.08.2006 13:10Hurdyunconfirmed match 121060
24.08.2006 22:29Hurdyunconfirmed match 121038
27.06.2007 23:13Hurdywaiting list erased
28.08.2006 13:10Hurdyconfirmed match 121048
24.08.2006 22:27Hurdyunconfirmed match 121036
28.08.2006 13:10Hurdyunconfirmed match 121051
24.08.2006 22:24Hurdyunconfirmed match 121029
28.08.2006 13:09Hurdyunconfirmed match 121046
24.08.2006 22:30Hurdyconfirmed match 121040
24.08.2006 22:29Hurdyunconfirmed match 121037
28.08.2006 13:11Hurdyunconfirmed match 121045
24.08.2006 22:29Hurdyunconfirmed match 121040
76-100/211< [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 9 ] >
Pro Seite:
WCG08 Qualifikation
Gewinner: Unbekannt
WCG 07 gNET Qualifikation
Gewinner: Unbekannt
gNET Qualifier 06
Gewinner: Unbekannt

Render duration: 0.02 s / MySQL: 11 Querys


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