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elemeNt wechselt den Clan cs 
24.04.2004 03:15 - Hurdy  
Wie es scheint ist elemeNt der erste Spieler welcher einen Clan trotz eines Vertrages verlässt. So konnte man heute auf lesen, dass elemeNt sein Team Schweden SK verlassen wird und neu bei United States of America NoA spielen möchte.

bds kündet in einem Statement an, dass gegen elemeNt rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet werden. Von Seiten NoAs hört man dagegen, dass elemeNt vom Vertrag freigestellt wurde.

Die verschiedenen Statements findet man unter "Mehr".
Zitat von:
We have had a lot of discussions with Ola "elemeNt" Moum and his position in the team. Lately he has been stating that he got tired of playing and did not have much time because of school.

He has been holding back all rumours that he would join NoA, but now that seems to be the case. elemeNt's contract with SK ends in October 2004, and has been signed by him and a guardian. So legal actions will be taken upon him.

How will this affect the team? Of course both in a positive and negative way. But to be honest mainly positive aspects. We will go back to a the five man rotation which won both WCG and CPL Copenhagen (and as a mix CPL Winter 2003). A lineup we have been using the last month since elemeNt has not played anything. elemeNt also quit doing tactics a few months ago. Potti is back as team captain, and ahl has taken over the tactical part.

We will be able to travel even more (since all of the members has quit school and are full time players), have more regular boot camps at Inferno Online, and get a better and closer team feeling.

Update: It seems that NoA has some own version of a "release" of elemeNt. SK can of course cut a player from the lineup without kicking him. We have not released him and we do not tend to. If he has joined another team, he has violated the contract, and we will continue from there.

Zitat von:
We were (and I guess possibly still are?) in negoiations with Schroet Kommando about the acquisition of Ola "elemeNt" Moum as part of the NoA family.

However, bds, Schroet Kommando's Managing Director decided to go ahead and make a public statement about the release of elemeNt from their starting lineup, and stating that SK can kick him at any time without violating a contract; well so be it.

0 pts #1: R!colA m0nst3r @ 24.04.2004 03:45
Interessiert mich?

0 pts #2: Pong @ 24.04.2004 04:35
mich scho, han schliesslech au de vertrag bi SK gchünded ;(

0 pts #3: Chris @ Norway  @ 24.04.2004 06:04
has scho dänkt, so wie dr Element mit em Knoxville gflirtet het a the Gathering^^

0 pts #4: Kool @ 24.04.2004 06:40

0 pts #5: q.e.d.charas @ 24.04.2004 08:42
macht er doch nume, wöu er bi sk nid darf mit em ne revelcell pad spiele (gathring lan photo? =) )

0 pts #6: Beji  @ 24.04.2004 09:37
sorry de element chan alles.

hoffe sk stirbt dra, dass er gaht :)

0 pts #7: encoreemlet @ 24.04.2004 11:49
am schluss chunt de luke und dark au zu noA ^^ :P

0 pts #8: ARTLEZNite  @ 24.04.2004 12:48
ich glaub de elemeNt mit sine taktike etc isch für SK wichtiger gsi, als de bds meint...

0 pts #9: fubar  @ 24.04.2004 15:10
w000w hammer :D

0 pts #10: [deleted] @ 24.04.2004 15:33
sk.swe wird fallen! Erinnert euch an eol, welches SK in 7 Spielen 6mal bashte! Ich glaube Element ist DER keyplayer!
Auch wenn er an wcg etc. nicht dabei war, wird er mit NoA SK.SWE bashen....

0 pts #11: 370  @ 24.04.2004 16:09
de ele muess scho chli en kackpack si

0 pts #12: mosc  @ 24.04.2004 16:29
einmal clanhopper immer clanhopper ?

0 pts #13: [deleted] @ 24.04.2004 16:50
ele, naikon, knoxville -> ALL


0 pts #14: []Malcom-X  @ 24.04.2004 17:43
mir wärdes de gseh, aber i hoffe nid das SK undergeit. das wär fasch chli schad

0 pts #15: h$-jedi @ 24.04.2004 18:08
hi @ wayne

0 pts #16: neonroehre @ 25.04.2004 13:57
nene de potti isch zu krass

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