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Interview mit team9|REAL! cs 
06.11.2005 22:31 - veks 

Seit längerem habe ich mir wieder einmal die Zeit genommen, um etwas für euch zu schreiben. Da das Thema World eSport Games sehr aktuell ist, habe ich mir passend dazu einen Spieler vom Topclan team9 Norwegen geholt und ihn ausgefragt. Genauer handelt es sich um den noch sehr jungen REAL, welcher momentan in Korea sitzt und sich Gedanken über das nächste Spiel macht. Obwohl dieses Event rundum professionell verläuft, hört man von Europa aus doch sehr wenig detailliertes. Also sah ich es fast als Pflicht, ein wenig Licht ins Dunkle zu bringen.

Team9 selber musste nach dem letzten Spiel, welches sie gegen wNv China verloren haben, noch einmal bangen, denn es war damals noch nicht sicher, ob der Clan in die nächste Runde einziehen könnte. Heute Morgen betraten sie die Arena um gegen Asylum Dänemark auf de_train zu spielen. Mit 16 zu 2 konnte sich das team9 gegen die Dänen durchsetzen - diese werden nun wieder nach Hause geschickt.

England > The Interview <

Nick: Sondre 'REAL' Svanevik
Herkunft: Norwegen Norwegen
Alter: 16 Jahre
CS seit: V 1.0
Maus: Logitech MX510
Mousemat: Qpad


gNET: Yo real, sup? Introduce yourself to the few readers who don't know you.

team9|REAL: Yeah, My name is Sondre Svanevik, 16 years old. I live with my father and sister in Norway, in a small town called Leikanger on the west coast. I have played Counter-strike since version 1.0, and are currently playing for the best norwegian team; team9.

gNET: When i read about WEG, everything sounds great. Is it really that professional? And are there many korean fans?

team9|REAL: For sure! It really is professional. There are alot of fans in the studio, there was actually a poster with "TEAM9" on it! :D

gNET: The past WEG Seasons weren't very popular to the players who attended it. But now it seems, that everything turned and things got better. Whats your impression of this whole event?

team9|REAL: I could be looking for a negative aspect for a month without finding one. This event is just perfect. If you think somethings wrong, they are there to fix it. So far everything has been smooth, and I dont see anything that will change that. Seoul is a great place to have a tournament like this at. The only thing thats negative with staying in Korea for a so long time, is that I miss my family and friends back home in Norway.

gNET: Most european teams don't know the asian clans very well. People say, that their skills and aiming are quite the best. How about your opinion?

team9|REAL: I don`t know so much about project_kr and AbitStrike yet, but I know that wnv is one of the best teams down here, maybe the best. They dont miss their shots, its as simple as that. I guess we will see some Asian dominance in the scene soon.

gNET: I think you also heard about the clash of NoA's manager with some guy. How did you react when you heard about it?

team9|REAL: Actually I was right in the middle of it. It wasn`t a specially funny episode, and we were lucky to get out of there without really getting hurt.

gNET: But most people are friendly down there, right? :p

team9|REAL: I havent been in touch with many people down here, but i certainly hope so :D

gNET: How do you enjoy the food down there? Do you just eat some 0815-McDonald's-stuff, or do you try out different recipes?

team9|REAL: We try to eat some decent food, but sometimes when we dont feel for going out, we just order food from pizza hut, jehu! We eat alot at a restaurant called Uncle 29s.. NICE fajitas there!!!:D

gNET: What went wrong in the match versus wNv? That team9 wasn't the same as the one from CPL UK...

team9|REAL: We are really bad on dust2, thats something we need to fix in the future. Besides, we was`nt on fire as usual. wNv played a REALLY nice match, and I think they are one of the favourites to win this event. We just have to move on and forget about this match.

gNET: Talking about favourites; give us your top3 tip!

team9|REAL: 1. team9 2. wNv 3. NiP/NoA/Serious-gaming

gNET: I see you guys rate yourself very high :) Aren't you a little scared from not becoming paid the prize money?

team9|REAL: No, WEG wont have any problems paying the prize money. You just have to take a look at everything they have done for the event so far. They have alot of money :)

gNET: A lot of people say, that there are missing much good teams at the event. Who would you like to see playing there?

team9|REAL: coL,3D,mousesports and SK. I think it`s alot of good teams here. This is the best season in my opinion.

gNET: When you play CS all day over there, isn't it kind a boring? Or have you got any alternatives?

team9|REAL: There is a gym here, which we can go to when we feel for it. Many players play WOW here. This is a big city, there are many alternatives :)

gNET: Your group is full of pretty strong teams. What are your expectations for the further matches?

team9|REAL: We have only one match left. Train vs Asylum. Asylum is a really strong team, and we gotta watch out for hpx with his awp, he is dangerous.

gNET: Is there any opponent at this competition, that you fear?

team9|REAL: I dont fear anybody.

gNET: What do you think about the "great turn" of Serious-Gaming (wings). After the WEG3 qualis, they play on the very highest level. How do you explain that?

team9|REAL: Well, they shocked everyone by winning the WEG-qual. But it was only a qualifier and they will have to proove themselves at a real event. I think they are a really great team, one of the best out there. They have stayed together for over an year, and it seems like it payed off.

gNET: Let's have a look at the headlines... elemeNt left 4K! What do you think will be his next team?

team9|REAL: I dont think there will be any next team, but we`ll se... Maybe team Rival :)

gNET: What's planned for team9 after the WEG? CPL Winter i guess?

team9|REAL: We wont attend CPL winter, I am only 16 years old, thats the reason... Our plans for 2006 is to attend every CPL stop and ESWC + WCG.

gNET: In norway seems to be a lot of speculations going on about "cheating". Is it true, that some teams could be "unclean" in onlinegames?

team9|REAL: Well, I dont think there are any cheating in the elite league in norway(NESL). Im sure there are someone using some kind of config commands, but I just dont care about that.

gNET: What do you think, when you hear the word "Switzerland"? :P

team9|REAL: Snow & Money? =P

gNET: Okay, it's over! Thanks for your time, and enjoy the weather over there. Drop your message to the fans.

team9|REAL: Thanks to all of those who support us, it means alot for us. Adios :D

0 pts #1: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 06.11.2005 22:35
arsch geil niki :)

0 pts #2: [deleted] @ 06.11.2005 22:35
nice work :)

0 pts #3: MareS @ 06.11.2005 22:35
lol, dä het scho frieh agfange mim cs o_O

0 pts #4: kr0sh @ 06.11.2005 22:38
great interview!

0 pts #5: enjoy`  @ 06.11.2005 22:42
schöne niki :D

0 pts #6: bsq @ 06.11.2005 23:07
Yo real, sup?
e dicks fetts LOL omg

0 pts #7: DCtotheP4real @ 06.11.2005 23:15

0 pts #8: ieS|mat1  @ 06.11.2005 23:19
nice work!

0 pts #9: [deleted] @ 06.11.2005 23:24

0 pts #10: VALLEYbergi^  @ 06.11.2005 23:51
goili sack nickiboy! ;O)

0 pts #11: Bensch @ 07.11.2005 10:29
gNET: What do you think, when you hear the word "Switzerland"? :P

team9|REAL: Snow & Money? =P


0 pts #12: ScR @ 07.11.2005 10:49

0 pts #13: Beji  @ 07.11.2005 10:59
die news gseht irgendwie langwilig us. vilicht tüsch ich mich au :S

0 pts #14: src.chline  @ 07.11.2005 11:09
n1 news :)

0 pts #15: AemJaY  @ 07.11.2005 11:43
nice work.

0 pts #16: bLisseed  @ 07.11.2005 12:54

0 pts #17: Level52  @ 07.11.2005 16:07
Weiss jemand zufällig, wo ich FOV-Demos von wNv finde? Ich würde gerne mal wieder ein paar Demos schauen und interessiere mich für gute, unbekannte Clans. :)

BTW wNv hatte ja hart Pech an der CPL Singapur: Disqualifiziert weil sie ex_interp nicht per Konsole verändert hatten. Und wohl weil sie den Rand nicht halten konnten...;f=23;t=001024;p=

0 pts #18: [deleted] @ 07.11.2005 17:20
mau widr chli geileri news, gg ;)

0 pts #19: [deleted] @ 07.11.2005 17:37
hammer interview!
krass, dass de erscht 16ni isch :/

#17 wer sich chli uskennt und ESWC 2005 verfolgt het, wird wNv kenne^^

0 pts #20: Level52  @ 07.11.2005 18:41
#19: Ja, dann sage mir, wo ich Demos finde, anstatt mir Unkenntnis vorzuwerfen! Bitte. ;)

0 pts #21: veks  @ 07.11.2005 19:56
ey level kei plan für POVs muesch google! merci fürs feedback

0 pts #22: 370  @ 08.11.2005 09:52
gueti sach :)

0 pts #23: Beji  @ 08.11.2005 12:03
oooooooooook, jetzt hanis au mal no dureglese. isch tatsächlich no interessant :D

0 pts #24: eLipz` @ 08.11.2005 23:52
w0w Switzerland on and

n1 :D

very nice interview !

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