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02.06.2004 23:08 - Chris @ Norway 
Today, we started our second Desert Combat cup. We have been able to get some of the best Desert Combat Clans in Europe to join our Cup.

We are working on translating the rules to english, but you will still be able to find the necessary settings, which by the way are same as in ESL, in the german rules section.

The Cup, which is organised in cooperation by gamersNET and, is a double elimination cup, meaning that even after you lose your first match, you still have the possibility to reach the finals and even win. The first time you lose a match, you'll find yourself in the lowerbracket, from where on you still have the chance to move into the Overall-finals. To see how the cup works, you can have a look at the cup. In the Overall-finals both clans get to choose a map, which must be announced 48 hours before the final is played.

In the cup all teams have to play one match each week. You have one week to contact your opponents and play the match. The date indicated above the match is the final date the match can be played. If a clan cannot be reached via IRC, MSN, ICQ or PM via gamersNET, the unreachable clan will receive a def-loss. If a clan fails to contact their opponents, please contact an admin (Solar and TanteJutta).

gamersNET wishes you all good luck in the first online Desert Combat with prizes. I especially want to thank our sponsors and and for providing us with important news and a great admin for the cup, Solar.

Let the games begin :)


0 pts #1: [LF]Dave @ 02.06.2004 23:22
go go go :)

0 pts #2: law-- @ 02.06.2004 23:50

0 pts #3: orango @ 02.06.2004 23:51
hopp :)

0 pts #4: [DL]BeMaC  @ 03.06.2004 00:08
Birds of praY gooo :D

0 pts #5: |bck @ 03.06.2004 08:34
huii HFD wird wider so chrank abga ... :P

0 pts #6: schnaiky_ @ 03.06.2004 11:47
oho sogar in english ;>

0 pts #7: Ballermichum  @ 03.06.2004 11:52
Birds of PrEEEEy ihr seppel...

0 pts #8: ZiroX @ 03.06.2004 12:32
Danish Division 0wnZ U :) (cs huh?) :D

0 pts #9: Chris @ Norway  @ 03.06.2004 12:37
Heia Danmark Dänemark jeg elsker elefant öl ;)

0 pts #10: atomigo @ 03.06.2004 12:50
UFE + myself > DC
we gona rul da DC-scene *hust*

0 pts #11: ZiroX @ 03.06.2004 13:52
Mwhaha... :D Elsker de Schweden flika (?) :D Tror det er der du kommer fra? eller er det Norwegen ? :D

0 pts #12: Chris @ Norway  @ 03.06.2004 13:53
Norge Norwegen, selvfölgelig ;)

0 pts #13: som aka Eleonor @ 03.06.2004 14:42
chriss bring mir bitte chlei norwegisch bi die sprach isch eifach ds geilste =)

0 pts #14: Villani @ 03.06.2004 14:57
Italien e adeso zito @ tutti :D

0 pts #15: Chris @ Norway  @ 03.06.2004 16:23
Itz chunnt no dr Villani mit sim Italienisch cho blöffe ;)

0 pts #16: Grobi  @ 04.06.2004 13:18
na dann mal los :)

0 pts #17: BriXen @ 04.06.2004 18:01
have fun @ all ^^

PS: rG.dc-Squad rult Europa ^^


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