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Interview mit it-Groms gnet bf 
16.06.2004 23:24 - Chris @ Norway 
In unserem BF-Cup befindet sich ein norwegischer Clan, namens incredible Teamaction. Grund genug für uns heraus zu finden wie sie sich in einen ursprünglich schweizerischen Liga verirrt haben. Wir haben uns mit it-Groms über Norwegischen e-sport, alte Gamer und Sommerferien unterhalten.
Achtung, das Interview ist auf Englisch.

Name:Tommy Granheim
Land:Norwegen Norwegen

gNET: What are the future goals for

it-Groms: I just hope that EA games will release a new patch that can give BF a new boost, and even better if it gets more professional like Counter Strike. And tournaments like gamersNET is a step in the right direction.

gNET: Hi Groms, please introduce yourself to the swiss community.

it-Groms: Hello, well my name is Tommy Granheim, I'm 27 years old and I am form Norway. I've played battlefield since it got out and until now is the best game ever.

gNET: With your 27 years of age, you're a bit older than the average swiss gamer. What's the average age in incredible teamaction?

it-Groms: Well when you got players around my age the are more dedicated and maybe smarter :P

gNET: What are the future goals for

it-Groms: I just hope that EA games will release a new patch that can give BF a new boost, and even better if it gets more professional like Counter Strike. And tournaments like gamersNET is a step in the right direction.

gNET: What do expect from the gNET.BF Cup and what made clan-it join this cup?

it-Groms: I Just hope that is pro and fun. We've got a german CL, so we are always looking for new tournaments and it would be fun to play in something other then a Scandinavian league.

gNET: You also have a very successful cs-clan, fighting under incredible teamactions flag with for example Luke, who played for eolithic, as well as a great WC3 team. Are the sponsor funds equally divided throughout the bf, cs and WC3 teams?

it-Groms: Since we are new to Incredible Teamaction we need to prove that we are good. So in the future we will play on lans around Europe

gNET: Clan-it has been covered in all major Newspapers and even on national tv. Have these coverages brought you any further sponsors?

it-Groms: We got something going on but the CL doesn't want to tell us before they are signed, so we just have to wait and see.

gNET: Is e-sports an accepted sport in Norway like it is in large parts of Asia?

it-Groms: Just in CS, so we all hope that Incredible Teamaction will bring eSport in to Norway.

gNET: The larger events, like the CPL, ESWC or WCG do not support BF. Why do you think this is and do you feel this might change with BF2?

it-Groms: Just maybe EAgames have not made a good game yet that can beat Battlefield 1942, but I do hope that Battlefield 2 will change this.

gNET: Does train alot or are you all naturally high-skilled gamers?

it-Groms: We play around 4-5 matches every week when we are at the top. But now with the summer break we are down to 2 matches.

gNET: A lot of Clans have a summer break. Will also take some time off from fragging to enjoy some time at the fjord, eating shrimps watching the beautiful Norwegian girls strolling around in bikini?

it-Groms: Sure we need a summer break like everybody else, but we do hope to keep a semi activity all summer.

gNET: Good luck in the Cup and thanks for your time, Groms. If you have any shout-outs this is right time :)

it-Groms: GL to all teams and may the best team win. :)

Interviewer: gNET|TanteJutta

0 pts #1: Chris @ Norway  @ 16.06.2004 23:27
Now all go and spam his Guestbook ;)

0 pts #2: pOluX @ 16.06.2004 23:38

0 pts #3: [deleted] @ 16.06.2004 23:49
nice :)

0 pts #4: epsYlone`inaktiv @ 16.06.2004 23:50
LOL ^^ n1 Jutta

0 pts #5: RANDOM Roody  @ 16.06.2004 23:58

0 pts #6: [LF]Dave @ 17.06.2004 00:04

0 pts #7: venX @ 17.06.2004 00:07
cool ;p

0 pts #8: Vermeer @ 17.06.2004 07:46

0 pts #9: q.e.d.charas @ 17.06.2004 07:57
gueti sach, schint vou easy z si :)
(igh ha i sis gb gspammed =) )

0 pts #10: coyotE  @ 17.06.2004 08:03

0 pts #11: [deleted] @ 17.06.2004 08:18
Will also take some time off from fragging to enjoy some time at the fjord, eating shrimps watching the beautiful Norwegian girls strolling around in bikini? <<--- LOOOOOOOOL geili frog ...shrimps haha ^^

0 pts #12: G-News  @ 17.06.2004 11:14
how about watching the shrimps and eating the girls?

0 pts #13: Chris @ Norway  @ 17.06.2004 11:37
Hahaha G-News :D

0 pts #14: SharkyXTS  @ 17.06.2004 12:56
Good job gamersNET :).

0 pts #15: gNET| » DLS.sQ @ 17.06.2004 23:11

how about watching the shrimps and eating the girls?

hehe bensch, seisch hesch chli die kanibaistischi phase? :D

summerpouse RRules :D

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