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Aus Playesports wird IT.cs cs 
03.02.2004 09:44 - 370 
Wechsel in Norwegen. Nach nur einigen Wochen nach der der Gegründung des Clans mit dem viel versprechenden Namen Norwegen PlayeSports wechseln sie ihr Team. Norwegen PlayeSports, für viele der Nachfolger des legendären Clans Norwegen eoLithic, wechselt nun zu Europa Incredible Teamaction.

Als Grund für den Wechsel gibt man an, dass die Organisation ihre Versprechen nicht gehalten hätte und sie nicht unterstützen konnten. Ein Statement von Norwegen Keefo und das aktuelle Lineup findet ihr unter mehr..
The last weeks the players in the Playesports team have been rather inactive.
People in the community have asked questions like: "When will we see the Team in action?", "When will they play their first official match?".

The reason behind this is that we have had internal problems regarding promises given to the players which did not happen.
Therefore we had a lot of frustration from the players concerning this matter.

We will not name any of the people/companies who have yet to fulfill their commitments, but I can say that I and some of the guys working in the crew have been working very hard to find a solution to that problem.

My opinion is, that the solution we have now come up with is even better than the cooperation with Playesports.
We have found a new home and especially business partner which both the players and the management is exited over.

This partner has already showed their success with high level teams on the e-Sports scene featuring one of the best Warcraft 3 Teams from Norway.
They have a very good organization structure and a lot of people working for them with years of experience on the eSports scene.

The partner I am addressing is known as Incredible Teamaction.
Featuring their main Office in Hamburg (Germany) and the head "Martin Szulecki" (CEO) aka 'Hardlife'.
Some might recognize him from working with teams like NiP.

We expect some positive changes for us and our fans which will first of all show up with our now official website at which is going to get a complete new "layout" around the end of February, featuring a space for you competing in Tournaments and other exciting new additions.
We also switching the IRC Channel to #clan-it now so we will meet you there from now on!

Further information will be given to the fans trough various community websites around the globe and of course on IRC.

We hope it will make you happy and give you the opportunity to satisfy your needs!

One of the most important things for the players and me as Manager, was to get these gun-shooting-talents of ours to events.
This and the broken promises we have been given were the main reason for breaking up the existing cooperation with Playesports.

Since we now already have dates setup together with Incredible Teamaction where we will appear to win, the decision was easy for the players and the crew.

Resulting changes will take effect immediately after this statement is official.

The first event you will be able follow us will be the WarpZone LAN on the 28th of February! See you there!


Norwegen Luke (eoLithic, Adrenaline)
Norwegen Juzam (Havana-Club)
Norwegen Zaico (Northern Star, Retroaction)
Norwegen Juve9le (Northern Star, Retroaction)

Der 5. Spieler wird in Kürze vorgestellt.

Incredible Teamaction

0 pts #1: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:04
en verdammt n1 newspost

0 pts #2: kaffeebaerschn  @ 03.02.2004 10:05
läck law.. mit somene drecks comment häsch de bann uf sicher..

nice news ;(

0 pts #3: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:06
lol etz muesch scho da no es JP| vore dra ha? HALLOOOOOOO?

0 pts #4: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:07
und ich find de s1n chönnt s'statement uf schwiizerdüütsch öbersetze...

0 pts #5: kaffeebaerschn  @ 03.02.2004 10:07
** edit **

battle vs. law won ;(

thx 2 all

0 pts #6: bLisseed  @ 03.02.2004 10:08
Hallo ich bin de de kääf :]

0 pts #7: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:09
ahahahah en fettsack hueresohn

0 pts #8: odb  @ 03.02.2004 10:09
mit v pls.. :P

0 pts #9: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:10

0 pts #10: bLisseed  @ 03.02.2004 10:12
das chotzt mich a :(

0 pts #11: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:16
ja kafi das isch aber ned grad es fairs battle gsi wenn mich fragsch! söli au mal unfair werde? ^^

0 pts #12: bLisseed  @ 03.02.2004 10:18
was hääsch du däänn scho erlääbt du bananää?

0 pts #13: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:19
ey man es isch ehre und stolz in mir!

0 pts #14: bLisseed  @ 03.02.2004 10:20
jedä macht was er wott, denn jedä stoht dezuä was er macht!

0 pts #15: law-- @ 03.02.2004 10:20
falsch du pimmel

ich find, öb jede chan mache was er wott, will jeder staht dezue was er macht.

0 pts #16: bLisseed  @ 03.02.2004 10:21
ach menoo owned by chotzY

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