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Review of the gNET.BF cup bf 
08.09.2004 18:15 - Chris @ Norway 
A week has passed since the overall final in our BF42-Cup. The Cup ended being a great success and was the first international BF-Cup being organised by a swiss community page. It was also one of the first online BF-Cup�s being able to present prizes for the winners. At this point we would especially like to thank our partners for this cup, revelcell and for their great support.

Quite extraordinary for our Cup was also the mode in which it was played. First the teams had to qualify for the Double elimination through a Group stage. Unfortunatly only one swiss team got past this stage,, which played a great Cup. Red Raptors was the second swiss team with a potential to make it through the group stages. Unfortunatly they decided to make a longer Summer break, leaving them with not enough members to play the cup. This of course resulted in def-losses for them during the group stage.

We had very strong international teams in our Cup, which was probably the number one reason for the early drop out of most swiss teams. Internationally well known teams like Incredible Teamaction Norwegen, MasterBlasters e.V. Deutschland, Team Mirage Benelux and eQuinoX Deutschland gave our cup a certain flair and importance.

In the overall final Incredible Teamaction Norwegen met eQuinoX Deutschland on Tobruk and Iwo Jima for a very exiting match. EQuinoX had to win the first map, Tobruk to have a chance winning the final. They achieved this with great tank skills and great defense as Coalition, winning this map with 351 : 229. Still everything was open as they both proceded to the last map, Iwo Jima. Here Incredible Teamaction was able to show eQuinoX that great piloting skills can make an important difference. Incredible Teamaction won their map with 0 : 448, making them the gNET.BF Champion.

Until then gNET would like to thank all players and teams for their participation and we wish to see you all back for some new Battlefield action.

Under more you can find some statements and the final Ranking for our first international BF-Cup...

In a few weeks we will start a new international cup. There will be a 2-3 weeks registration stage before we restart the cup in whatever system we will play it. Until then we will improve the rules. We will also with a great probability start cups for BF Vietnam and maybe even some mods.

Until then gNET would like to thank all players and teams for their participation and we wish to see you all back for some new Battlefield action.


1. Incredible Teamaction Norwegen
2. eQuinoX Deutschland
3. Team Mirage Benelux


it-Groms: This was an fine executed cup, no major problems in the whole tournament. We in Incredible Teamaction have nothing bad to say, no wonder since we won :) We hope that the next time the cup is online even more teams will join the cup and hope that we can defend our title. Good job to all admin's who made this possible and a special thanks to gamersNET for tending this cup. Good Game all team, hope that we will meet on the battlefield more.

d`bf|Sid: Der Cup hat riesen Spass gemacht. Es war eine gelungene Abwechslung für uns zu der ESL. Oder kurz gesagt war der Cup klein aber fein ;)

Stay tuned for more gNET.BF...


0 pts #1: SEEdER @ 09.09.2004 20:41
Nice statement von Groms und Sid...

Hoffe auch sehr das die schweizer Teams das nächste mal stärker sind...schliesslich müssen sie sich ja nicht verstecken und in ihrem "heimcup" bei gnet sollte doch ein wenig mehr rausschauen das nächste mal

0 pts #2: [deleted] @ 09.09.2004 20:45
jo :( mir hei müesse 2mal gg eqx spiele wo jo 2te worde si, i de final rounds und si halt früeh usgschide ... ka ob mers aba witer gschafft hätten wenn mir andere gegner kah hetted :p

0 pts #3: Chris @ Norway  @ 09.09.2004 22:03
It was a nice cup :)

0 pts #4: Groms  @ 09.09.2004 23:27
Jupp nice cup, maybe next time this cup is online even more clan's will join :) GJ all admins :)

0 pts #5: coyotE  @ 10.09.2004 00:09
püh, hei ja ned vil gah vo dem cup, aber glich .. gj ..

und i denke üses eine resultat geg it het ou chli dütlech gmacht ( obwohls denn no besser wär gange ), dasmer doch chli öppis chöi ;) ...

zudem heimer halt ds päch gha, 2 x geg eqx müesse z spile ( einisch halt per def loss verlore ... ) ... somit heimer üs nid mit teams wie z.b. mb oder mirage chönne messe .. wär sicher no interessant worde ;)

0 pts #6: [deleted] @ 10.09.2004 08:25
mir gfalled d links :]

0 pts #7: Ryogo  @ 10.09.2004 09:48
great cup, and lets just hope that more top teams will join.

0 pts #8: Chris @ Norway  @ 10.09.2004 13:53
I bet there will be more teams in the next cup and they all just want to beat the norwegian (and swedish) Vikings ;)

Congrats Clan-it :)

0 pts #9: Florian @ 30.10.2004 22:56
wenn fad d liga wieder a? ich vermiss es :p

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Review of the gNET.BF cup

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