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PK:BooH goldig glänzend sublim! rest 
09.11.2004 13:54 - atomigo
Der E-Sports-Titel Painkiller geht in die zweite Runde. Das lang erwartete Addon Battle Out Of Hell (kurz BooH) mit einigen Neuerungen und Verbesserungen hat den Goldstatus erreicht. Trotzdem wird es NICHT VOR HL 2 erscheinen. (Europarelease am 24. November, US-Release am 11. November, also vor HL2 als Import erhältlich) Also schaut, dass euch HL 2 nicht zu sehr süchtig macht, damit ihr auf eurer Festplatte noch Platz für ein Spiel mehr habt.

Den Pressrelease von Dreamcatcher findet ihr unter mehr.

Pressreleas von Dreamcatcher
Paris, France - November 8, 2004 - DreamCatcher Games today announced Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell has reached gold status. The Expansion Pack for the award-winning Windows® FPS, Painkiller, will begin shipping to North American retailers on November 11th and will begin releasing across Europe on November 24th.

Picking up where the game's story left off, Painkiller: Battle Out Of Hell offers multiple features to extend enjoyment of this spectacular shooter. Using code from the 1.5 update, the Expansion Pack includes an additional single-player chapter with 10 levels, as well as new multiplayer modes, maps and models. It will also offer an amplified arsenal of un-deadly weapons, bigger and badder bosses and the map editor Software Development Kit.

"Painkiller fans are going to be very happy with Battle Out Of Hell," said Richard Wah Kan, DreamCatcher's CEO and President. "The levels are bigger, the gameplay is more intense, and if you can believe it, the monsters are even more terrifying."

A shooter in its purest form, Painkiller boasts truly inspired graphics and some of the most intimidating level bosses ever seen. Utilizing the Havok 2.0 physics engine, the game continues to achieve new heights of physics-based game play while the latest version of the "PAIN Engine" cranks out an unbelievably high polygon count, and exciting new features like heat and haze distortion, light blooms, spectacular pixel mapping, new shader effects, tweaks for the latest video cards and an improved networking core.

0 pts #1: hilde* @ 09.11.2004 13:57
vorfreude ist die schönste freude :)

0 pts #2: Blanka  @ 09.11.2004 14:11
*spar* ;)

0 pts #3: glimma <3 Jenno @ 09.11.2004 14:16
yes *sabber*

0 pts #4: redax @ 09.11.2004 14:22
humm ?

0 pts #5: asdasddf @ 09.11.2004 16:25

0 pts #6: ogi  @ 09.11.2004 17:15
keine quellen keine bildeR?!?!?

0 pts #7: konsumi @ 09.11.2004 18:09

0 pts #8: LovingAngel  @ 10.11.2004 07:40
Hehe, kleiner Vorgeschmack:
Der neue MP ist noch witzig, aber hat immer noch einige Sachen, die geändert werden müssen. Der Netcode ist aber geil. Vorallem hat es zuwenig Maps. Wobei die CTF Maps hammer sind.

0 pts #9: chr0n!C  @ 10.11.2004 11:24
pk suckx :)

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