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Welcome to gnet 
26.05.2004 22:50 - Chris @ Norway 
gamersNET has up until now only been a Swiss community Schweiz site. To make some leagues more interesting with international Europa teams we have decided to launch an english version due to our growing non-german or french speaking community members.
In the beginning we will start our coverage for the counter-strike international cup we are currently hosting and of of course our other international leagues like the coming Desert-combat cup and Battlefield league. We are as well working at a translation of the rules for these leagues.

We realise that some things might be quite buggy and other things might not be quite translated yet, but you should be able to find your way around our page. Please report errors, wishes and suggestions via our contact form.

For us it only remains to wish you all welcome to a new international League and Community site.

0 pts #1: superstar @ 26.05.2004 22:52
i'm first

0 pts #2: gNET|Ninja @ 26.05.2004 22:58
i`m second :)

0 pts #3: MeTa|L|cA @ 26.05.2004 23:06
I'm third :p

0 pts #4: oracle`` @ 26.05.2004 23:09
welcome to gnet, international buddys (:

0 pts #5: xTp|sosi  @ 26.05.2004 23:23
sounds very nice, good job :)

0 pts #6: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 27.05.2004 00:25
sounds good!

0 pts #7: RANDOMdon medium  @ 27.05.2004 00:40

0 pts #8: King.Kong @ 27.05.2004 00:42
gg & hf

0 pts #9: law-- @ 27.05.2004 00:54

0 pts #10: xTp!begeta @ 27.05.2004 01:09
very nice idea !
gamersnet goes international

0 pts #11: orango @ 27.05.2004 01:23
ai föunt this väry güd :)

0 pts #12: VALLEYcala candineN   @ 27.05.2004 07:35
Tja...yes n1 idea!!!

0 pts #13: EFF-KULT|loYd @ 27.05.2004 07:49
gNET goes international =) nice :P

0 pts #14: A N D I  @ 27.05.2004 08:23
sehr geili sach! mi nimmt wunder wie lang dases geit bis die erschte flame comments chöme :)

am beschte flamet dr gar nid wöu wer nid im int. cup will mitspile cha ja eifach im .ch cup witerspile...

0 pts #15: FuMi @ 27.05.2004 08:54
wo ist der ut int cup? :)

0 pts #16: oracle`` @ 27.05.2004 10:29
#14 ich hab mich eher gefragt wie lange es dauert bis der erste id*** in der ersten internationalen News mit schweizerdeutsch kommt.


0 pts #17: pr0ph @ 27.05.2004 10:34
good job ;)

ayse Ill querry you this afternoon

0 pts #18: [deleted] @ 27.05.2004 10:58
yea international news but only comments from swiss players :)

0 pts #19: migOne  @ 27.05.2004 11:25
hrhr i really thougt the same .p

0 pts #20: [deleted] @ 27.05.2004 11:55
@ #14 / #16 ... same thing here... congrats and1 ;(

go !!

0 pts #21: BUY MY ACCOUNT :) @ 27.05.2004 11:57
vöry n1, gud job ät gNET

0 pts #22: gNET|Yverman  @ 27.05.2004 12:02
comments are linked between english and german part in this special case. maybe that's why there are some swiss german comments.

0 pts #23: [deleted] @ 27.05.2004 19:12
ich chan doch fast ke english ;( scho dä 2 wo schwitzerdütsch schriebt @ oracle ;(

0 pts #24: A N D I  @ 28.05.2004 08:41
@ora de comment vo mir isch eigentli au a d schwizer community gange, und i glaub nid das da jede englisch cha.........

0 pts #25: sk1Nz0r @ 28.05.2004 20:07
n1ce :D

0 pts #26: Blindes_Huhn @ 14.11.2004 21:06
poT.iland rocks the House

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