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HystRia und Schweden? cs 
13.09.2004 20:09 - Chris @ Norway 
Was hat HystRia Schweiz mit Schweden gemeinsam? Nichts, fällt einem als erstes wohl ein. Seit heute allerdings doch recht viel. HystRia verkündete soeben, dass sie auch ein schwedisches Lineup stellen können, HystRia.swe Schweden. Somit hat sich für HystRia sehr viel an diesem Wochenende getan. Nach einem dritten Platz an den gNET Finals und die Bekanntgabe ihres neuen Sponsors stösst jetzt noch ein schwedischer Squad zu HystRia.

HystRia.swe spielten bis jetzt unter dem Namen cosinus und sind in Schweden keine Unbekannten. Sie konnten schon zahlreiche LAN's für sich entscheiden, darunter auch die Dreamhack, die mit 4500 Computerspielern eine der grössten LAN's der Welt ist. Nächste Saison werden sie sich auch aktiv an der SEL beteiligen.

Unter mehr findet ihr die beiden Lineups sowie ein Statement von pr0ph, Lanc und Olivier Chuard.
Players sweden:

Schweden H.revelcell hisp.swe
Schweden H.revelcell Lanc.swe
Schweden H.revelcell OzEan.swe
Schweden H.revelcell puoNti.swe
Schweden H.revelcell solid.swe

Players Switzerland:

Schweiz H.revelcell bLoudE
Schweiz H.revelcell polux
Schweiz H.revelcell pr0ph
Schweiz H.revelcell prodigy
Schweiz H.revelcell vicious

Wow this week is just so exciting!

First we concluded a very nice sponsor deal with last weekend, which was a very big step for us.

And now we are really, really (I mean REALLY ;D) so happy to annouce another big news :

The swedish team known until now as cosinus, is joining the HystRia family to become HystRia.swe!

This is in my opinion a very big step in the community, as for as far as I know, this is the first CH-SWE collaboration for a counter-strike team. We are sure it will be very successful for both parts.
Of course this big step motivates everyone to go as serious as possible, also with the help of that gets fully involved with us in the project ! Many many thanks to them.

We will release a new big website as soon as possible!

cosinus is bringing their orga, Hamish "L1q" Corry in the house too, and will be from now on HystRia official orga.

So, in the name of the whole team, I'd like to warmly welcome :

hisp, Lanc, OzEan, puoNti, solid and also L1q

in the HystRia family !
So happy to have you onboard mates :)

As a last word, I just wanted to add that our UT2004 Lineup just got reinforced with the arrival
of syRaxx from Belgium and xtreem|rage from Netherlands. Gl to the guys at training hard !

And also a big kiss to our FIFA player ZefirO that will soon go to WCG San Francisco to represent Switzerland and HystRia there :) We love you Zef!

pr0ph over and out !

Schweden H.revelcell Lanc.swe
This is an awesome opportunity for us and I doubt any of us can even describe how ecstatic we all are at this moment of joy. Playing for a respected and solid organisation like HystRia.revelcell truly motivates you as a team I am very confident that both parties will be pleased with this agreement. As we in former cosinus know each other well in real life, this will most likely stabilize our consistency even more.

A huge thanks goes out to the members and staff of HystRia for their warm and friendly approach and for giving us this opportunity to prove ourselves!

Finally, we'd like to pledge our hearts and souls to revelcell for putting in their trust and time in this organisation. It will be an honour to share a future with an innovative company like revelcell!

Hugs and kisses ;D

SchweizOlivier Chuard, Manager Revelcell:
For Revelcell it's very important to have partnerships with really down to earth and sympathetic teams with the potential to go far. HystRia have definetly met all of these requirements which made us wanting to have a partnership with them. They have also shown that they are a great bridge uniting the french and german part of Switzerland and now even extending as far as Sweden. We think, that this will be a great partnership, leaving both sides with advantages.


1 2 >
0 pts #1: .lu|schpini  @ 13.09.2004 20:11
gl & hf

0 pts #2: ieS|mat1  @ 13.09.2004 20:12

0 pts #3: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 13.09.2004 20:12
hammer :)

0 pts #4: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 20:12
cha viu :) gl hf totos

0 pts #5: 370  @ 13.09.2004 20:13
omg really really really really nice guys. gj @ orgas

0 pts #6: 370  @ 13.09.2004 20:13
btw: de sollid isch aber ned de solle.cfg ?

0 pts #7: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 20:14
solid seit mer was aber chan en keim clan zueordne...

0 pts #8: pr0ph @ 13.09.2004 20:14
welcome sweden (:

0 pts #9: q.e.d.fatboy @ 13.09.2004 20:15
gogogo hystria :D

0 pts #10: Brkahh @ 13.09.2004 20:15

0 pts #11: som aka Eleonor @ 13.09.2004 20:16
RESPEKT !!! wenn das dr solle isch chas nur guet cho ;)

0 pts #12: pr0ph @ 13.09.2004 20:18;/own-age/vids/CS

cosinus' movie :) hf !

0 pts #13: 370  @ 13.09.2004 20:19
pr0hp i know its hard for u hystria guys to understand that but.. WE REALLY DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING DAMN N00BTOTO CS MOVIES k thx @ät

0 pts #14: Chris @ Norway  @ 13.09.2004 20:19
well done les totos :)

0 pts #15: pr0ph @ 13.09.2004 20:20
#13 ahahahahah <3 you :P

0 pts #16: sk1Nz0r @ 13.09.2004 20:23

0 pts #17: bLoudE @ 13.09.2004 20:26
GL HystRia <3 swedish people ;)))

0 pts #18: /VNIELSEN  @ 13.09.2004 20:26
nice hystria and gl for the future :)

0 pts #19: biberfreund @ 13.09.2004 20:30
Bin mal gspannt wie lang das verhebt...

0 pts #20: q.e.d.charas @ 13.09.2004 20:31
wohoooo !
great news for a grat clan,
allé les welsches !

0 pts #21: zeitlos -_TracK  @ 13.09.2004 20:31
di neui site wird gloub haxe :D

gl H

0 pts #22: pr0ph @ 13.09.2004 20:31
#19 i've got what you said with my poor german skills, and I can tell you we don't run blindly into something we couldn't handle.

0 pts #23: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 20:36
Välkommen grabbarna från Sverige, och lycka till! :D

0 pts #24: q.e.d.charas @ 13.09.2004 20:38
im looking forward to a german/french/english /SWEDISH gnet page :P

0 pts #25: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 20:39
lul :p

0 pts #26: zeitlos -_TracK  @ 13.09.2004 20:43
Schweden = huoranpenikka ;)

0 pts #27: biberfreund @ 13.09.2004 20:45
we will see @ pr0ph ;-)

0 pts #28: x3r0n @ 13.09.2004 20:47
nice :D

0 pts #29: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 21:17
go pr0ph :)

0 pts #30: frankeY @ 13.09.2004 21:30
good that foreign teams do now join swissteams, instead of swissteams joining forgein teams..

swiss is quality ;)

gogoo hysteria

0 pts #31: RANDOMwEazEl  @ 13.09.2004 21:35
<3 pr0ph

0 pts #32: odb  @ 13.09.2004 21:36
lool pr0ph3ll0r ;-(

0 pts #33: BF.Neo @ 13.09.2004 21:48
nice, go forward for eSport Switzerland ;)

0 pts #34: BF.kick @ 13.09.2004 21:51

0 pts #35: ieS|mat1  @ 13.09.2004 22:03
de solid vo sole.cfg?

0 pts #36: skV-graff  @ 13.09.2004 22:06
gogoogog ;)

0 pts #37: bSGanon @ 13.09.2004 22:08
n1 HystRia continue sur sa lancée :) gl

0 pts #38: pOluX @ 13.09.2004 22:38

0 pts #39: troNic ______/ @ 13.09.2004 22:55

0 pts #40: [deleted] @ 13.09.2004 23:00
agree #30

0 pts #41: TmG.blacky. @ 13.09.2004 23:07
H to da bone, zefi rooooox ;)

in one month we're back from frisco ownage :D

0 pts #42: pornstar01 @ 13.09.2004 23:26


Cosinus's Lineup: hisp, Lanc, OzEan, puoNti, Solid
Kurdistan eSports's Lineup: raggsockan, DAGBOK, brtk, skogs4, swki

0 pts #43: dannyyy  @ 13.09.2004 23:34
agree #43

0 pts #44: baharroth @ 14.09.2004 00:22
nice HystRia
i like your you search a bf squad? ;) (bege verhaut mich sicher -.-)

0 pts #45: kaffeebaerschn  @ 14.09.2004 07:29
<3 pr0ph :)

0 pts #46: BUY MY ACCOUNT :) @ 14.09.2004 07:51
<3 shaka...& hystria ^^

0 pts #47: [deleted] @ 14.09.2004 08:17
<3 Pizza mit Poulet und Krüterbutter, Mais und Schinke..

0 pts #48: pr0ph @ 14.09.2004 08:56
#47 strange tastes :/

poulet rox though

0 pts #49: kaffeebaerschn  @ 14.09.2004 08:56
nononononon pr0ph.. :) ca va? ;(

0 pts #50: pr0ph @ 14.09.2004 09:24
ca va très bien merci !

et toi ca va bien mon kaffeemachin ? <3 :)

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