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Profil: WASHIzwibi
Nickname: WASHIzwibi
Name: änlech wie du...
Hauptteam WASHI
Geburtstag: 12.02.1988
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest

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#100: proo @ 19.10.2004 14:54
ja scho, aber eifach kicke?

#101: proo @ 19.10.2004 15:30
lol, um das gahts ja nid, ich frag mich nume, wiso dasd ned en neue reggsch?^^

#102: proo @ 20.10.2004 06:38
1. k
2. k
3. k
4. k

^^ hf

#103: schnaiky_ @ 20.10.2004 14:11
bisch der sicher? hä? überleg namal gnau ? .. hüt obig im train stampf di zämä :(

#104: schnaiky_ @ 20.10.2004 14:16
mp_fiendlyfire 1

kennsch? hä ? ts.. :P

#105: chaos el mundial @ 21.10.2004 15:16
hmm zwiback läääckkerr :P

#106: [deleted] @ 25.10.2004 22:07
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhm ja!

#107: [deleted] @ 26.10.2004 13:36
jA!!! und WIE ICH STOLZ DRUFF BIN!!! du b00n bisch gad mol 5th....

suck my dick n00b ^^ :>

#108: [deleted] @ 26.10.2004 18:28
ebe gsehsch hanis doch gwüsst!

#109: [deleted] @ 26.10.2004 18:44
japp alles tip top(;

#110: ArroW.TRAKTOR  @ 27.10.2004 13:50
huhu zwibi :D

hoffe me gseht sich widermal anere lan :D

#111: coyotE  @ 27.10.2004 14:51
W00H00 !!11

#112: coyotE  @ 27.10.2004 17:48
klar bini pege ;>

#113: kaffeebaerschn  @ 28.10.2004 18:46
ja ischer :) .. isch luschtig gsi ;)

#114: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 28.10.2004 21:13
jo geht viu und bi dir ?. ig bi scho gleaved bi SG ;)

#115: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 28.10.2004 21:26
1: nümme so motiviert gsi im team
2: wott mau ines angers team
3: no chli meh für d schuel aluege ;)

#116: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 28.10.2004 22:14
isch no nid sicher öbs z stand chunt. wieso ?

#117: kaffeebaerschn  @ 29.10.2004 08:01
ja, i weiss, dass er mit dir zemespielt ;) und ich weiss au, dass mer gege unrealized mal zockt händ mit JP no dozumal.. :) isch witzig gsi.. dä einzig win händer gholt will mer i de letschte rundi nur mit messer cho sind :P

#118: kaffeebaerschn  @ 29.10.2004 10:26
ah sorry, chan sii, dass das en andere war gsi isch. .dem fall isch das uf d2 gsi.. ich han en war uf nuke gmeint.. sorry :D

#119: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 10:47

Can somebody explain to me
Why everybody is trying to be
Living like a celebrity
Doing what they see on MTV.
Ice is cool but I am looking for more, simple things is what my heart beats for.

Cause its me
I don\\'t ask for more
Having you is enough

You ain\\'t got to buy nothing
It\\'s not what I want
Baby it\\'s You
We don\\'t have to go nowhere
Its not what I want
Baby it\\'s you
It\\'s not for what you got
Cause I know you got alot
No matter what you do
You always gettin Hot
It\\'s You,
It\\'s You
Baby all I want is You Yeah

It don\\'t matter that your car is fly
And your rims are spinning on the side and
It don\\'t matter where we go tonight
Cause if I\\'m with you I\\'ll be alright.
That\\'s cool but I\\'m lookin for more
Its your love that my heart beats for.

Cause thats me
Don\\'t have to spend a dime
I just want your time.

You ain\\'t got to buy nothing
It\\'s not what I want
Baby it\\'s You
We don\\'t have to go nowhere
Its not what I want
Baby it\\'s you
It\\'s not for what you got
Cause I know you got alot
No matter what you do
You always gettin Hot
It\\'s You,
It\\'s You
Baby all I want is You Yeah


You ain\\'t got to buy nothing
It\\'s not what I want
Baby it\\'s You
We don\\'t have to go nowhere
Its not what I want
Baby it\\'s you
It\\'s not for what you got
Cause I know you got alot
No matter what you do
You always gettin Hot
It\\'s You,
It\\'s You
Baby all I want is You Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeaey Yeahey Ye Ye Yeay......

#120: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 14:43
Jojo - Baby its you


Does it ever feel like
No one is with you
No one sees it your way
Everyone`s against you
But it`s your life
Gotta keep the faith
Hold your vision
You will find a way

I made a different mold
May not do what I`m told
I will not be swayed
By the things that they might say
There may have had been doubts
No matter what I`ve found
I have held my ground
Look at me I`m still around

So dream on, dream on
Never letèm steer your wrong
When life comes knockin`
Gotta keep on rockin`
Open that door and shout to the world, sing

Hello hello
Here I am, here i go
Cuz I have lots to give
And I got dreams to live
So hello hello
Hello hello

And if you don`t fit in
Just hold your differences
How beautiful to see
Well they`re beautiful to me
There`s no one quite like you
Be proud and love you, too
You know you`ll find a way
Be who you are don`t ashamed, sing

Shine baby shine
Cuz it`s all in your mind
The life you played
The love you made says
It`s all up to you
You just gotta say


So don`t you ever let it pass you by
It`s your life yeah yeah yeah yeah
You`ve got a dream you know you got to try
It`s your tine to shine
Shine it to the world, sing


Good bye
See you later

#121: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 15:10 <- mir <- dir

#122: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 15:51
-.- christina aguilera - hello

fallt mer nünt meh i :/ *break*

#123: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 16:27
ja, bitte droh mer mal :/ wens got no vor em 18.00

#124: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 16:39
Zwiback` sets mode + <3 zeek :/


#firscht :]
ja mach was us dim pr0fil :) lass dini kreativität walte ;)

bi der erst und letscht wo da ineschriibt nur das es für all da use klar isch ;(

#125: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 17:01
hahahah owned ;(

#126: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 17:06 óÔ

#127: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 17:09
wer den bitteschön? :/

_ ********Zwiback`*********__

#128: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 17:21
de schpaider spielt au länger als ich ;( das chunt scho no.. nur warte !!!

ah jo.. gits imfall ;( pech und so.. :/

so hei go game chan nüme flirte.. sry..

#129: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 18:10
opbis bi weissi noed :( nur ghört sägä..

ja das isch au en zwiback :( en snakeball gits nur eimol ...:/ sry.. !

kei ziit zum flirte muä mini neu soundcharte ibaue ;(

#130: schnaiky_ @ 29.10.2004 19:15
kennsch Natasha Bedingfield - These Words

diä singt au "i love u i love u i love u" these words *sing*

#131: schnaiky_ @ 31.10.2004 15:02
ja, und i finde es ruult ;(

btw. i cheate!

#132: KodiaK____inactive @ 31.10.2004 21:56
hallo hrsn =) alles fit im schritt? *gg*

#133: KodiaK____inactive @ 01.11.2004 08:17
tjo.. kennsch mi zwenig um das richtig ds verstah =)
*fg* gl @ unrealized :D

#134: BUY MY ACCOUNT :) @ 01.11.2004 18:21
lol trotzdem jin sprüch chlauer :P

#135: BUY MY ACCOUNT :) @ 01.11.2004 19:59
lol ja mitm ü hani denk nur es smiley gmacht ^^

#136: sh1raz @ 02.11.2004 18:28

ne ;) das söll ned heisse das mer muesch is gbook schribe! das söll heisse das bi dir "zum teil" gspamt wird :)

ps: din itrag isch weg ;) muesch ja ned?odr :D

#137: sh1raz @ 02.11.2004 22:05
du bisch gott :) du bisch ober peh geh ;) <3 u 2 :D *gg*

#138: schnaiky_ @ 03.11.2004 17:58
omg omg omg omg.. da isch wer chli e betthüpfer he? liäbsch all wuche chli wer anderst was? :>


#139: schnaiky_ @ 03.11.2004 18:04
ahahah dorfmatratze.. sry will noed das mi e dorfmatratze <3 kk?

#140: schnaiky_ @ 03.11.2004 18:12
ich würd mich für dich ändere ;( echt jetzt!

#141: schnaiky_ @ 03.11.2004 18:20
ja, liäb mi so wiä ich bin ;( harte tag gsi hüt... erst chorb vo mim ganze lebe becho ;(( sött mi go usruäbe..

#142: schnaiky_ @ 04.11.2004 08:23
kennsch si noed ;( aber schick der susht mal es foti kk? ;((

#143:  @ 04.11.2004 12:30
yo man! voll

#144:  @ 04.11.2004 14:50
wer isch dä shiraz?

#145:  @ 04.11.2004 17:03

#146:  @ 04.11.2004 21:53
neu und guet!

#147: schnaiky_ @ 05.11.2004 17:18
ja ;( weni mol eis mache de scho :-* ;(

#148: sh1raz @ 10.11.2004 21:42
sry bi widr da :D!

#149: JESUS |SUPA ZiLLA @ 10.11.2004 22:30
ig di au :D

#150: say wash i'nyny @ 11.11.2004 16:47
hrsn, thx :)

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