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Profil: schnaiky_
Nickname: schnaiky_
Name: S. L. E.
Hauptteam -
Geburtstag: 23.04.1987
Wohnort: Thurgau
Sprache: Deutsch
Presets: gnet,cs,quake,fifa,warcraft,nfs,bf,ut,lan,xbox,rest

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#200: schnaiky_ @ 14.10.2004 14:03
so hani au wieder mol was gseit . :P

#201: VOG3L @ 15.10.2004 23:20
Fitt im schritt?

#202: krie @ 16.10.2004 16:37
huhu snaKeBaLL min sHz;D
sHz= schatz;D

#203: String Emil @ 20.10.2004 11:36
huhu :)

#204: SENATE  @ 20.10.2004 11:43
dor profil isch eifach zviu........

#205: SENATE  @ 20.10.2004 11:43
dis profil isch eifach zviu........

#206: WASHIzwibi @ 20.10.2004 14:08
böö kkbn hrsn wixX0r het kli meh als doppeld so viel gb iiträg wie ich ;( und er isch nid mal so "peGe" wie ich ;(


#207: WASHIzwibi @ 20.10.2004 14:13
ja i bi mer sicher !!! ich bin absolut me "peGe" als du da bini überzügt ;) aber isi wend mich hüt willsch zemmestampfe im train denn na bitte !!! :P muesch scho denn zu eusem gegner go spiele :P


#208: VOG3L @ 20.10.2004 15:13
lueg odch bis profil ah, :) kennsch mi öppä nid 0o?


#209: VOG3L @ 20.10.2004 15:28
hm , bisch mol inem gayclub gsi :P?

#210: VOG3L @ 20.10.2004 15:41
pssst, es mönd nid all wüssä :)

#211: SoE-Cyrex- @ 21.10.2004 14:14
duuu? wosch min fründ sie?

#212: LUMBEY`12  @ 26.10.2004 16:28
kuhle siech :D

#213: kaffeebaerschn  @ 27.10.2004 17:16

#214: kaffeebaerschn  @ 27.10.2004 17:50
haha ok ;) luegemer mal ob mer euis findet :P

#215: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 14:26
kklied? hasse das? shice ? loses nid gern? kenns nid mal? :/

#216: xellent @ 29.10.2004 14:44
he, geisch du as nightwish konzärt?

#217: xellent @ 29.10.2004 14:48
ja, i ga ou :D
d vorband kenni äbä nid, aber au sägä si sigi huere geil, de wirts öppe scho stimmt ;D
ts blöde isch nur, dasi its i das elände basu mues fahre ;(

#218: xellent @ 29.10.2004 15:01
lehre se de haut kenne =)

hmm alege... 1. schwarz ^^, 2. am beste churz hose und es t-shirt, aber ganz sicher ke pulli (es wird sicher schön warm :) ), 3. gueti schue
und es isch ir st. jakobs arena, und das isch gloubs scho e haue

#219: xellent @ 29.10.2004 15:12
säg nüt, fröie mi o wie blöd =)

und zum glück nur no 50 min schaffe ^^

#220: xellent @ 29.10.2004 15:15
hehe stimmt

uhuuuu #222 <-- schnapszau =)

#221: xellent @ 29.10.2004 15:29
das heisst schliern, und nid schlieren. schlieren ligt nämlich irgendwo bi züri.
schliern isch bi köniz, auso ir nechi vor stadt bärn!

das lied isch gloubs eher über das schlieren in züri :)

aiaiai, nur no 30 min =)
its räntierts nüm mit öppis neuem schaffe a ts fa =)

#222: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 15:47
och menno nöd scho wieder es lied :/...und meinbild scheisse kanni nid ahguggern im gschäft isch gsperrt :/...

#223: xellent @ 29.10.2004 15:55
so, i ga gloubs langsam heim zueche :D
filech gseht me sech de am samsti abe ;P

#224: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 16:09
söll ich dir mal drohe? :/

#225: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 16:35 eimal en sontext i mim gb und </3


#226: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 17:06

ich "lieb" de zeek ;(

und du wirsch niemals de letscht si!!!





#227: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 17:18
nix mit zwiback.meinbild ;(

gibts net ;(

und wer sust?...böööö? isch nämlech viel meh pr0 als du :P ;(

_ ********Snakeball*********__


#228: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 17:24
-> !!! ACHTUNG !!! <-

bi e riese chindschopf und e riese flamer! usserdem arrogant, ibildet und e ewige besser wüsse, hani ghört sägä ;(

*g* ;(

das bisch :P und woher gits das?....;( gsesch mal wie arm das fakers sind ;(...s git nur ein Zwiback` und de schriebt gad dir is geeeebeeee ;( :D

#229: WASHIzwibi @ 29.10.2004 18:22
kennsch d carmen fenck? ;(

die singt doch I LOVE YA I NEED YA ;(

weisch was? ;( I LOVE YA (SNAKE :P) I NEED YA (SNAKE ;( ) :D

#230: WASHIzwibi @ 31.10.2004 11:27

ä chlapf {aff,siech,chäib} haa (expr.) to be drunk note lit 'ä chlapf haa' means 'to have a bang'.using 'siech' or 'chäib' instead of 'chlapf ' is stronger. 'aff ' means 'ape'.
alk (masc. noun) abbrev. for alcohol note derived noun: 'alki' (an alcoholic). expressions used in the urban Zurich region, maybe also others


bisle (verb) to pee,to piss note 'papi, ich muess go bisle!
bocke,böckle,böhndle (verb) � to fuck note etym. 'bock' (buck) ?
böögg (noun) bogey (the green slimy thing up your nose) note synonyms: schnuder-böögg, schnuder-nase
borromini (masc. noun) 100-Franc-bill note the name of the man shown on the bill. so: 1 Borromini =1 lappä = 20 schnäggä
brunz,brunzen (masc.noun,verb) piss,to piss
burghölzli (noun) house of the insane note name of a psychiatric clinic.example: if you think somebody is really crazy, you say as a statement 'Burghölzli eifach!' (B. one-way!). related expressions:'vom gälbe wägeli abgholt werdä' (to be picked up by the yellow little car) or 'em gälbe wägeli aalüütä' (to call up the small yellow car)
bürschte (noun,verb) � to fuck note lit. 'to brush'.only the verb is used with the 'bad' meaning


chabis (masc. noun) nonsense,bullshit note example; 'chabis useloo' (to let out cabbage) means to talk bullshit
chabis (masc. noun) � female breasts note lit. 'chabis' means 'cabbage' (german 'Kohl').
chatz (fem. noun) a pretty lady note lit. 'cat'. example: 'das ich e chatz!' (what a lady!).used in a positive sense
chiis,chiisä (noun,verb) to vomit,to throw up (verb) note lit. 'chiis' means 'gravel' (german 'Kies') example: 'muäsch chiisä?' (are you going to throw up?)
chiis,chiisä (noun,verb) cash,money (noun) note example: 'häsch gnueg chiis?' (do you have enough money?)
chlapf (masc. noun) car note lit. 'bang'. 'schönä chlapf !' (nice car !). 'ä chlapf haa' (1. 'to have a car'; 2. 'to be drunk')
chlöibi (n.noun) money,cash note lit. 'tape' (region Zurich) example: 'bruuchsch chlöibi?
chnopf (masc. noun) child,kid note lit. 'button'
chörblä (verb) &#9786; to throw up,to vomit note etym. 'chorb' (german 'Korb') means basket. But maybe derived from the stronger verb 'chotzä' (german 'kotzen')


d' lampe fülle (sent.) get drunk note lit. 'to fill the lamp'
dä löffel abgäa (expr.) to die note lit. 'to give away the spoon' (german 'den Löffel abgeben')
dä schniider haa (expr.) � menstruation days note lit. 'to have the cutter'. example 'si hätt dä schniider' (she has got her days)
drägg (noun, feminine) shit note Usually used in conjunction with something else,as in "Schiessdrägg" (a variant of the German "Scheisse", i.e. shit) or in Bernese dialect "Bäredrägg" (bear shit), a normal occurrence in a town which has fed bears in a downtown pit for the last 900 years.


e chappe aahaa (sent.) be drunk note lit. 'to wear a cap'.example:'häsch e chappe aa ?' (are you drunk ?)
en {suurä} schtäi machä (expr.) to look unhappy,unfriendly note lit. 'to make a sour stone' ( lit. german 'einen sauren Stein machen')
ex ! (expr.) bottoms up ! (empty your glass in one go) note there is also a verb 'exä' for this way of drinking


figg,figgä (noun,verb) fuck,to fuck
FIGUGEGL (expr) abbrev for lit. 'fondue is good and gives you a good mood' note the abbreviation itself hs become a 'standing expression' now. the full text is 'fondue isch guät und git e guäti luunä'
föhn,föhnä (noun,verb) army gun (noun) note an expression quite widely used in the army
föhn,föhnä (noun,verb) fart (noun)
föhn,föhnä (noun,verb) to fart (verb) note etym. 'Föhn' is the warm wind coming from south
fuer (fem. noun) party note (region Bern). 'fuer' (pron fu-er'), german 'fuder' normal meaning cn be translated as 'a load' example: 'wo isch ä fuer ?' (where is a party?)
für d' füchs (expr) in vain,for nothing,with no use note lit. 'for the foxes' .example: 'er hät die ganz arbet für d' füchs gmacht' (he did the entire work in vain)
futz (masc. noun) � cunt note same in german: fotze
futzä-schläcker (noun) � a (small) dog note lit. 'cunt-licker'.the handy small-size dog that is sitting on Ladies knees all day long.


giggerig (adj.) (sexually) hot,keen note example: 'du masch mi giggerig' (you turn me on, you make me hot). same meaning as 'schpitz'
goof (noun) kid,child note often used with a 'negative touch' example: 'd goofe am hals haa' (lit. having the kids at your neck; having to care for the kids)
gopfertami! (sent.) damned! note etym. 'god-shall-damn-me'. used as a curse. very short version : 'tami !'
gopfertori! (sent.) damned! note etym. derived from 'gopfertami'.
gschmöcksch de töff? (expr) do you understand? do you see the problem? note lit. 'do you smell the motorbike?' synonyms: 'gsehsch de pögg?' (do you see the puck) 'tschäggs es?'. If you dont, say: 'ich verschtoh nur bahnhof!' (lit. 'i understand only railway station!', it's all a mystery to me)
gülle,güllne (verb) to drink alcohol note 'gülle' (noun) is the liquid part of from farm animals excrements which the farmer brings out to the fields (in german 'Jauche'). Also the noun is sometimes used with the meaning of 'booze'. verb is more common (Basel/Zurich/Lucerne).example: 'geschter oobig simmer go güllne gsi' (yesterday eve we have been out drinking)
gummi (masc.noun) condom note synonym: 'pariser'
guuge,güügele (fem. noun,verb) a bottle of beer (noun),to drink acohol (verb) note example: 'er güügelet' (he is drinking 'around') the verb mæns drinking in a sense of 'drinking to be tipped'- always a little but never really drunk. the noun has also alot of other (different) meanings


hamburger (masc. noun) young soldier in his first service after the basic service note a common army expression
hödi (noun) the light motorcycles that teenies ride note synon. 'töffli' etym. probably from the noise it makes. 'hödi-buebe' or 'töffli-buebe' (hödi-boys) are the teenies in the black leather jackets
höhlä (verb) to empty (a bottle) note derived from adj. 'hohl' (hollow). region Zurich
huerä,nuttä (fem. nouns) � see above note 'huerä' used as adj. in similar meaning like 'fucking' or 'damned'. example: 'huerä gueti schow!' (fuckin' good show!)
huerä,nuttä (fem. nouns) prostitute,hooker


im fass haa (expr.) to understand, to know (by learning) note lit. 'to have in the barrel'. example 'häsch s im fass?' (do you understand this?)


kackeria (noun) toilet note like pizzeria,cafeteria,...


lämpä (noun, pl.) trouble,problems note example: 'wottsch lämpä haa?' (are you lookin for trouble?)
lappä (masc.noun) 100, 100 Franc-bill note etym 'lappä' equals the german 'Lappen', a towel maybe used to clean the table or the floor examples: 'er hät uf de Autobahn zwee Läppe druff gha' (lit. he had on the highway 2 'lappä' (=200 km/h)
lööli (noun) the sign for 'driving student' note this sign is a white L on blue field
lööli (noun) idiot note example: 'bisch en lööli gsi!' (you have been an idiot!)


pfupf,pfupfä (noun,verb) a fuck,to fuck note the 'normal' meaning of the noun is 'punch,power' examples: 'do isch käi pfupf drii!' (there is no punch inside!) 'er hät si pfupft' (he fucked her) see also rudelpfupf
pizza (noun) the result of vomiting note 'ä pizza leggä' (lit. 'to put a pizza') means to throw up


rüde,rüdä,rüdig (adv) very note (pron with long ü) (region Lucerne only). etym. from german adj. 'räudig' which is an animals disease. example: 'rüde gross' (very big)
rudelpfupf (masc. noun) � sex in a group note etym. 'rudel' means 'group'


s chalb machä (expr.) to joke note lit. 'to make the calve'. example 'machsch s chalb?' (are you kidding?)
schafseckel (noun) � sheeps testicals note usage du bisch en schafseckel meaning you are an asshole
schällä (fem. noun,verb) � testicals,balls note expression for a kind of bell (german 'Schelle') example: 'a dä schällä chratzä' (to scratch the balls) the verb means just 'to ring'
schiffe (verb) to piss,to rain note etym. probably from 'schiff' (ship). example: 'ich mues go schiffe' (i have to go to piss)
schiissi (fem. noun) � toilet note etym. 'schiissä' (verb) (german 'scheissen') means to shit'. a rude expression for the toilet.
schlampae (fem. noun) � slut, bitch note du bisch ae schlampae
schnägg (noun) 5-Franc coin note lit. ' snail'.example: 'gimmer en schnägg!' (gimme 5 Fr !)
schnägg (noun) � pussy,cunt note see above
schnore (noun,verb) mouth, to chat note examples: (noun) ' heb d' schnore zue !' (shut up !) (lit. 'keep the mouth closed!') (verb) 'er schnoret die ganz ziit' (he's chatting all the time)
schoggi-schtooss (noun) � an ass-fuck note lit 'chocolate-push'
schpitz (adj) sexually hot note related to german 'spitzig' (examples: 'du maschsch mi schpitz' (you turn me on) 'ich bin schpitz' (i am hot).
schtäi,schtutz (masc. nouns) money,cash note lit. 'schtäi' means 'stones'. used in pl.
schtangä (fem. noun) glass of beer, normally 3 dl note original meaning of 'schtangä' (german 'Stange')is 'pole'. But that is not important here! to order 2 more: 'no zwee schtangä bitte!'
schtossä (verb) � to fuck note lit. 'to push' (german 'stossen')
schtute (fem. noun) a pretty lady note lit. '(female) horse' (german 'Stute')
schtützlisex (noun) coin-sex-place note its simple: for 3 Francs/min you watch the striptease from your cabin trough a slot in the wall. etym: 'schtutz' (dimin. 'schtützli') a one Franc-coin. example 'in schtützlisex goo' (to visit a coin-sex-place)
schwudi,schwuppel,schwuchtlä (nouns) � gay note derived from 'schwul' (gay).
schyss (masc. noun) shit, excrement
schyssdrägg shit, piece of shit note cognate of German "Scheissdreck," used of a person: signifies someone held in low esteem. Note also "schyssdräggzüegli", essentially meaning a campfollower but in the special context of the Basler Fassnacht refering to people who march in the Fassnach parade without belonging to one of the official local clubs.
schysse! (expletive) Shit! note Exact cognate of German Scheisse
seckel (noun) � testicals note etym. connected with sack (bag) saeckli (small bag) usage (noun) du bisch en seckel (verb) ver-seckeln to betray, to cheat, to bullshit someone
seich (masc. noun) piss note usage (verb,noun): 'seichen' to piss, to rain 'so en seich !' what a shit !
siech (masc. noun) type,guy (noun) note (pron: 'si-ech').etym: original old meaning of 'siech' was 'sick'; linked to german 'Seuche' (disease) usage 'du bisch en sibesiech' ('sibe'=7) (you can more than others) 'tumme siech !' (stupid asshole !) insulting in combination with various adj
stink (masc. noun) shit note excrement. not used as an expletive or insultingly. Frequenly used with children. "Hesch a Stink gmacht?" = "Did you make a mess?"
süffel (noun) quick drinker, slammer note examples:'bisch en süffel!' (you are a slammer !). there is a verb 'suufe' (german 'saufen')


tschäggsch es? (expr) do you understand? you got it? note etym. from english 'to check'.this expression is widely used in the urban Zurich region
tschau Sepp! (expr.) a way how to play cards note lit. 'bye,Johnny!'
tschugger (masc. noun) policeman,cop note syn: 'schmiär-lappä' .the epression for police is 'tschuggerei' or 'd schmiär' . ('schmiäri' is the grease you use to lubricate machinery)
tubel (noun) � a total ignorant, idiot note etymology unknown. the word itself is probably very old


uufgschtellt (adj.) open,optimistic,fresh,dynamic,interesting note lit. 'put-up' ( lit. german 'auf-gestellt'). used to characterize a person .(very common region Zurich)
uuf-riisse (trans. verb) to pick up somebody note lit. 'to tear open'. noun 'uuf-riss' example 'bisch uf em uufriss?' (are you trying to pick up somebody) 'er hät eini uufgrisse' (he has picked up a girl)


warme, der (masc. noun) homosexual note 'warm' (adj) means the same in english
wichser,wixer (noun) wanker note wichsen,wixen (verb) to wank,to masturbate


zäigä wo dä Bartli dä moscht hollt (sent.) � to show you who is the boss-in-command note lit. 'to show where Bartli goes to get the cider'. Bartli is a name (dimin. of Bartholomy ?).example: 'ich zäig der wo dä Bartli dä moscht hollt !' (i am the boss here!)

scho mal de scheiss glese? ;(

#231: xellent @ 31.10.2004 22:37

isch huere geil gsi. filech hani di unwüssend sogar gseh ^^

und d vorband isch würklech o nid schlächt gsi :)

#232: WASHIzwibi @ 03.11.2004 18:00
ja zeek isch ke nutte gsi ;(

ich bi ebe e dorf matraze ;(

jetzt isch es de shiraz vll bisch es ja du nägscht week? <3

#233: WASHIzwibi @ 03.11.2004 18:08
wür mich für dich ändere? ;(

#234: WASHIzwibi @ 03.11.2004 18:19
;( why will dich denn ändere? ;( lieb dich so wied bisch? :P

#235: WASHIzwibi @ 03.11.2004 18:24
ja das tuet weh so en chorb :(....aber vo wem denn? ;(

#236: Schulmädchen-Begleiter @ 03.11.2004 21:45
bi e riese chindschopf und e riese flamer! usserdem arrogant, ibildet und e ewige besser wüsse, hani ghört sägä ;(

häsch mich demit gmeint? ;(

#237: Schulmädchen-Begleiter @ 04.11.2004 08:59
hehe und wennd eine gsehsch wo wienen Irre ide Gegendumenand Hüpft als wärer uf Speed bin ich das =)

#238: WASHIzwibi @ 04.11.2004 09:12
kk denn schick mer das pic mal ;)

#239: krie @ 04.11.2004 17:57

wer den bitteschön? :/

_ ********Zwiback`*********__
Leergrafik Leergrafik

#240: bani @ 09.11.2004 18:05
echt jetzt ?

#241: say wash i'nyny @ 10.11.2004 15:01
omg huere gspammts gb ;(

#242: [deleted] @ 10.11.2004 17:45

#243: Sofie_bjerre @ 11.11.2004 20:07
We are red, we are white, we are danish dynamite :D


#244: Sofie_bjerre @ 12.11.2004 07:00
Okay then: We are red, we are white, we are swiss and danish dynamite

Schweiz Dänemark

#245: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 08:57
hallo liebe liebenden

ich suche auf diesem weg eine arschgeile, willige, heisse braut!!

ich bin ein arrogantes, eingebildetes und extraintrovertiertes dreckswesen. nur dass ihrs wisst. ich möchte keine reklamationen im nachhinein.

dafür sehe ich verdammt gut aus. so was von schön ist nicht normal. ich staune jedesmal selber, wenn ich jede viertelstunde vor dem spiegel stehe. da könnt ihr euch auf etwas gefasst machen. deshalb sollten sich auch besser nur die wirklich hübschen weiblein melden, denn die anderen haben eh keine chance. danke!

OMFG :D wenn mer dich ahluegged schmelzt mer echt dehi ;( :D

#246: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 09:36
ja schwuuuuuuuuuuuuL isch voll kuuuuuuuuuuuL :D

drum bini kuuuuuuuuuuuuuL? ;( :D

#247: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 10:33
du bisch mis vorbild im kuuuuuuuuL sii :>

#248: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 14:58
*freu* *freu* *megathönderhuerrederbkrassinhimmelundwiederzruggufderdefreu!*

#249: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 15:29
uuuuu :D min gaYnial traummah :P


#250: WASHIzwibi @ 12.11.2004 16:38

doch ich muess schaffe :/ han 97 Beleg :/ und das mitte monät :S sust hani das nur wenn ich ende monet schaff :/ ;(


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