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CS 1.6 female gnet rest 
25.06.2006 15:40 - gNET|Facer
CS 1.6 - CS 1.6 female - Q4: InsTinct - Q4: LovingAngel - PES 5: M-Hack - WC3: biGs - WC3: HasuHasi - Trackmania Nations: Guardi - Trackmania Nations: KrasserAli - GT 4: CZSIMO - GT 4: Nillstorn
ShaKa Ladies

IRC: #ShaKa Ladies


Finally these ESWC finals are coming! This will be a first-timer for all of us, so we're all very excited and anxious at the same time.

I think it would be reasonable to think that no-one should expect too much from our team. The pressure will be very high playing in front of such an audience, the other teams are very skilled and most of them already have experience of such an environment to play, so that will add some more difficulty on our shoulders. We are seriously weakened as well by that plague called School...we've hardly seen two of our players for 2 weeks since they're working like crazy for their final exams. That seriously hurt our preparation.

Therefore we'll be going there as underdogs, with the plan of giving a good battle to everyone we will meet. Where we will stand when the tournament ends will be a surprise :-) I have confidence in the girls to do their best at all time and I know they have arguments to give worries to the best teams.

Support Switzerland! This Friday (2-0 vs SK tbh) but also next weekend :-)

#1: HerdplattenToni  @ 25.06.2006 16:48
Wow, they even did a fotoshooting^^
Seriously, nice statement and gl to the girls.

#2: atomigo @ 26.06.2006 09:03
gl hf

#3: pr0ph @ 26.06.2006 10:33
"(2-0 vs SK tbh)"

Haha my predictions rocks :D

#4: CookieGirl @ 26.06.2006 11:31
hf gl girls ;)

#5: trick  @ 27.06.2006 21:03
di� blond vo d�nne, wo unknown isch, hani ade quali no geil gfund�. oder isch das d fr�ndin vo irgendend einere vo d�nne gsi? ^^

#6: e1`LadiesNala^ @ 28.06.2006 11:01
hf and gl G!rls :D

#7: SDDN  @ 28.06.2006 12:34
haha kessler ^^ d'missou isch h�bsch, sweety auge :p
hf gl girls!

#8: [deleted] @ 30.06.2006 16:44
shake ur boodie boodie

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ESWC Grand Final Pre-Coverage
ESWC Grand Final Pre-Coverage
ESWC Pre Coverage: Zeitplan & Infos
CS 1.6
CS 1.6 female
Q4: InsTinct
Q4: LovingAngel
PES 5: M-Hack
WC3: biGs
WC3: HasuHasi
Trackmania Nations: Guardi
Trackmania Nations: KrasserAli
GT 4: Nillstorn
WC3: HasuHasi im Gespräch

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